I have a Excel spreadsheet that needs to obtain pricing from a worksheet in another workbook.
I need to take a reference value from column A in the first spreadsheet (eg X20393) and lookup this value in another workbook and read a price in the same row 2 columns over.
I have tried VLookup but I am going wrong somewhere.
=VLOOKUP(A16,'[Intranet_PL-V12_For_Presales_280807.xls]xls_price_list_admin.asp produc'!$A$1:$C$65536,3,FALSE)
The second workbook is called
The worksheet in that workbook is called xls_price_list_admin.asp produc
Any ideas please ?
I have a Excel spreadsheet that needs to obtain pricing from a worksheet in another workbook.
I need to take a reference value from column A in the first spreadsheet (eg X20393) and lookup this value in another workbook and read a price in the same row 2 columns over.
I have tried VLookup but I am going wrong somewhere.
=VLOOKUP(A16,'[Intranet_PL-V12_For_Presales_280807.xls]xls_price_list_admin.asp produc'!$A$1:$C$65536,3,FALSE)
The second workbook is called
The worksheet in that workbook is called xls_price_list_admin.asp produc
Any ideas please ?