My dept is implementing a new set of processes and I need to put them on our intranet site. There are 20 or so process diagrams and I need to display them on several different pages. The idea is that the user can click on a process box on one page, and it will take them to a specific box on a different page, or open a description of the process in Word etc etc.
I'm thinking about doing this in Visio, creating hyperlinks between the boxes/to files and then saving each diagram as a web page and embedding it in an intranet page. I was wondering if anyone had done anything similar before and how good/bad they found it to use Visio in this way. I may be pessimistic, but I envisage problems with the hyperlinks once it's all online on several different pages, rather than in one nice Visio doc!
Does anyone have any alternatives I should explore? Maybe an image map?
Thanks a lot!
My dept is implementing a new set of processes and I need to put them on our intranet site. There are 20 or so process diagrams and I need to display them on several different pages. The idea is that the user can click on a process box on one page, and it will take them to a specific box on a different page, or open a description of the process in Word etc etc.
I'm thinking about doing this in Visio, creating hyperlinks between the boxes/to files and then saving each diagram as a web page and embedding it in an intranet page. I was wondering if anyone had done anything similar before and how good/bad they found it to use Visio in this way. I may be pessimistic, but I envisage problems with the hyperlinks once it's all online on several different pages, rather than in one nice Visio doc!
Does anyone have any alternatives I should explore? Maybe an image map?
Thanks a lot!