Hi All
I am trying to get a prompt in MS Access that prompts the user to select an excel file in a particular directory and import it into an access table.
I have been messing around with the code below and have one issue and one question
Firstly when it compiles i am told that ".GetOpenFilename: Method or data member not found"
Am i missing a reference library?
Secondly the question. Is there anyway i can use this statement and specify the starting directory to find the file in
Thank you all very much for your help
I am trying to get a prompt in MS Access that prompts the user to select an excel file in a particular directory and import it into an access table.
I have been messing around with the code below and have one issue and one question
' Declare Variables
Dim Filename As Variant
' Open Dialogue
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", Title:="Choose Files", MultiSelect:=False)
Firstly when it compiles i am told that ".GetOpenFilename: Method or data member not found"
Am i missing a reference library?
Secondly the question. Is there anyway i can use this statement and specify the starting directory to find the file in
Thank you all very much for your help