Hi! Im going crazy! It seems no matter how I try to get the bytes loaded and total, its not getting them. Im loading a picture into a holder. The swf loads into the holder fine, but the preloader isnt working because the bytes loaded and total are always 0. Here's the code Im referring to...
function load_pic(myLoad, myNum:Number)
//this loads the picture into backpics
_root.mc_backpics["img" + myNum].loadMovie(myLoad);
//this is what I cant get working. myLoad isnt referencing the file I think
total = myLoad.getBytesTotal();
loaded = myLoad.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
and here's how I call it...
var myPage = 1;
load_pic("backpics/pic" + [myPage] + ".swf", myPage);
function load_pic(myLoad, myNum:Number)
//this loads the picture into backpics
_root.mc_backpics["img" + myNum].loadMovie(myLoad);
//this is what I cant get working. myLoad isnt referencing the file I think
total = myLoad.getBytesTotal();
loaded = myLoad.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
and here's how I call it...
var myPage = 1;
load_pic("backpics/pic" + [myPage] + ".swf", myPage);