Title may be a little misleading.
Currently I have a small simple script that just outputs some information of users mailbox'.
But I am not very happy about the legacydn value. As I am on a SBS 2003 with Exchange 2003, there is no pssnapin to load, so this makes getting each users DN a bit harder than I had hoped (I think?).
Any ideas how to get the DN for the user for each mailbox?
Currently I have a small simple script that just outputs some information of users mailbox'.
$filecsv = "test.csv"
$date = get-date -uformat %Y/%m/%d
get-wmiobject -class Exchange_Mailbox -Namespace ROOT\MicrosoftExchangev2 -ComputerName koks-u549ckztx1 | select-object @{name="Username";expression={$_.MailboxDisplayName}}, Size, TotalItems, LegacyDN, @{name="Dato";expression={$date}}
Any ideas how to get the DN for the user for each mailbox?