Although I don't know the exact algorithum, you could probable take the stored integer date, remove the year indicator 98,99,100 and divide by 7. You would still have to deal with the day-of-week that the year started on.
and then you will see day_of_year is calculated as
(case (cdate mod 10000)/100
when 1 then cdate mod 100
when 2 then cdate mod 100 + 31
when 3 then cdate mod 100 + 59
when 4 then cdate mod 100 + 90
when 5 then cdate mod 100 + 120
when 6 then cdate mod 100 + 151
when 7 then cdate mod 100 + 181
when 8 then cdate mod 100 + 212
when 9 then cdate mod 100 + 243
when 10 then cdate mod 100 + 273
when 11 then cdate mod 100 + 304
when 12 then cdate mod 100 + 334
when ((((cdate / 10000 + 1900) mod 4 = 0) AND ((cdate / 10000 + 1900)
mod 100 <> 0)) OR
((cdate / 10000 + 1900) mod 400 = 0)) AND ((cdate mod 10000)/100
> 2) then
I guess if you took these 2 formulas and put them all together you could come up with a single SQL statement which could calulate day of week without having to do the join.
and instead of using astronomical calculations for day_of_calendar, date - [start of calendar] + 1:
(cdate - date '1900-01-01') + 1 as day_of_calendar
But caution, sys_calendar doesn't calculate week numbers according to ISO standard, e.g. ISO week 2004W31 is from
Monday 2004-07-26 to Sunday 2004-08-01
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