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Get vbscript to extract last pwdLastReset from AD

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Feb 7, 2011
I have a pretty good script I downloaded that extracts a lot of good info about users from Active Directory and puts it into and Excel file, however I am having trouble getting the last change date property. I believe it is how pwdLastSet is stored in AD as an 8 binary or something. Right now this script works great, but pwdLastSet comes up blank in the Excel spreadsheet.

Dim ObjWb
Dim ObjExcel
Dim x, zz
Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNC = objRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDNC) ' Bind to the top of the Domain using LDAP using ROotDSE
Call ExcelSetup("Sheet1") ' Sub to make Excel Document
x = 1
Call enummembers(objDomain)
Sub enumMembers(objDomain)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Secondary(20) ' Variable to store the Array of 2ndary email alias's
For Each objMember In objDomain ' go through the collection

If ObjMember.Class = "user" Then ' if not User object, move on.
x = x +1 ' counter used to increment the cells in Excel

objwb.Cells(x, 1).Value = objMember.Class
' I set AD properties to variables so if needed you could do Null checks or add if/then's to this code
' this was done so the script could be modified easier.
SamAccountName = ObjMember.samAccountName
Cn = ObjMember.CN
FirstName = objMember.GivenName
LastName = objMember.sn
initials = objMember.initials
Descrip = objMember.description
Office = objMember.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
Telephone = objMember.telephonenumber
EmailAddr = objMember.mail
WebPage = objMember.Addr1 = objMember.streetAddress
City = objMember.l
State = objMember.st
ZipCode = objMember.postalCode
Title = ObjMember.Title
Department = objMember.Department
Company = objMember.Company
Manager = ObjMember.Manager
Profile = objMember.profilePath
LoginScript = objMember.scriptpath
HomeDirectory = ObjMember.HomeDirectory
HomeDrive = ObjMember.homeDrive
AdsPath = Objmember.Adspath
LastLogin = objMember.LastLogin
LastPWReset = objMember.pwdLastSet

zz = 1 ' Counter for array of 2ndary email addresses
For each email in ObjMember.proxyAddresses
If Left (email,5) = "SMTP:" Then
Primary = Mid (email,6) ' if SMTP is all caps, then it's the Primary
ElseIf Left (email,5) = "smtp:" Then
Secondary(zz) = Mid (email,6) ' load the list of 2ndary SMTP emails into Array.
zz = zz + 1
End If
' Write the values to Excel, using the X counter to increment the rows.

objwb.Cells(x, 2).Value = SamAccountName
objwb.Cells(x, 3).Value = CN
objwb.Cells(x, 4).Value = FirstName
objwb.Cells(x, 5).Value = LastName
objwb.Cells(x, 6).Value = Initials
objwb.Cells(x, 7).Value = Descrip
objwb.Cells(x, 8).Value = Office
objwb.Cells(x, 9).Value = Telephone
objwb.Cells(x, 10).Value = EmailAddr
objwb.Cells(x, 11).Value = WebPage
objwb.Cells(x, 12).Value = Addr1
objwb.Cells(x, 13).Value = City
objwb.Cells(x, 14).Value = State
objwb.Cells(x, 15).Value = ZipCode
objwb.Cells(x, 16).Value = Title
objwb.Cells(x, 17).Value = Department
objwb.Cells(x, 18).Value = Company
objwb.Cells(x, 19).Value = Manager
objwb.Cells(x, 20).Value = Profile
objwb.Cells(x, 21).Value = LoginScript
objwb.Cells(x, 22).Value = HomeDirectory
objwb.Cells(x, 23).Value = HomeDrive
objwb.Cells(x, 24).Value = Adspath
objwb.Cells(x, 25).Value = LastLogin
objwb.Cells(x, 26).Value = pwdLastSet
objwb.Cells(x, 27).Value = Primary

' Write out the Array for the 2ndary email addresses.
For ll = 1 To 20
objwb.Cells(x,27+ll).Value = Secondary(ll)
' Blank out Variables in case the next object doesn't have a value for the property
SamAccountName = "-"
Cn = "-"
FirstName = "-"
LastName = "-"
initials = "-"
Descrip = "-"
Office = "-"
Telephone = "-"
EmailAddr = "-"
WebPage = "-"
Addr1 = "-"
City = "-"
State = "-"
ZipCode = "-"
Title = "-"
Department = "-"
Company = "-"
Manager = "-"
Profile = "-"
LoginScript = "-"
HomeDirectory = "-"
HomeDrive = "-"
Primary = "-"
For ll = 1 To 20
Secondary(ll) = ""
End If

' If the AD enumeration runs into an OU object, call the Sub again to itinerate

If objMember.Class = "organizationalUnit" or OBjMember.Class = "container" Then
enumMembers (objMember)
End If
End Sub
Sub ExcelSetup(shtName) ' This sub creates an Excel worksheet and adds Column heads to the 1st row
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName)
Objwb.Name = "Active Directory Users" ' name the sheet
objExcel.Visible = True
objwb.Cells(1, 2).Value = "SamAccountName"
objwb.Cells(1, 3).Value = "CN"
objwb.Cells(1, 4).Value = "FirstName"
objwb.Cells(1, 5).Value = "LastName"
objwb.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Initials"
objwb.Cells(1, 7).Value = "Descrip"
objwb.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Office"
objwb.Cells(1, 9).Value = "Telephone"
objwb.Cells(1, 10).Value = "Email"
objwb.Cells(1, 11).Value = "WebPage"
objwb.Cells(1, 12).Value = "Addr1"
objwb.Cells(1, 13).Value = "City"
objwb.Cells(1, 14).Value = "State"
objwb.Cells(1, 15).Value = "ZipCode"
objwb.Cells(1, 16).Value = "Title"
objwb.Cells(1, 17).Value = "Department"
objwb.Cells(1, 18).Value = "Company"
objwb.Cells(1, 19).Value = "Manager"
objwb.Cells(1, 20).Value = "Profile"
objwb.Cells(1, 21).Value = "LoginScript"
objwb.Cells(1, 22).Value = "HomeDirectory"
objwb.Cells(1, 23).Value = "HomeDrive"
objwb.Cells(1, 24).Value = "Adspath"
objwb.Cells(1, 25).Value = "LastLogin"
objwb.Cells(1, 26).Value = "LastPWDReset"
objwb.Cells(1, 27).Value = "Primary SMTP"
End Sub
MsgBox "User dump has completed.", 64, "AD Dump" ' show that script is complete
Ignore the last post, the CN is not needed in your script. the objMember.pwdLastSet is correct. I do believe this has to do with it showing as a Large Integer/Interval. Even if it pulled that number, it seems that it would make no sense to us without some sort of translation into an actual date and time.

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