I have a datgrid which has a Button Column as below
<asp:ButtonColumn DataTextField="SvpsName"
I would like to display the DataTextField of the selected item in a label on my page when I call my selectedIndexChanged sub. But im having trouble calling the button column item. I tried the following
CType(e.Item.Cells(0).Controls(1), Button).Text
I just cant seem to get it right... any ideas?
Thanks in advance
I have a datgrid which has a Button Column as below
<asp:ButtonColumn DataTextField="SvpsName"
I would like to display the DataTextField of the selected item in a label on my page when I call my selectedIndexChanged sub. But im having trouble calling the button column item. I tried the following
CType(e.Item.Cells(0).Controls(1), Button).Text
I just cant seem to get it right... any ideas?
Thanks in advance