Has anyone come across any issues with querying AD attributes such as: modifyTimeStamp, pwdLastSet, lockoutTime, and lastLogonTimestamp (big ints/intervals, and datetime values(?)).
It seems to be the case that I need to do something different to obtain/display large integer values from the LDAP query. When I try to print out the value of modifytimestamp below, nothing is displayed. However, string based attributes such as description are returned properly.
Thanks for any help.
It seems to be the case that I need to do something different to obtain/display large integer values from the LDAP query. When I try to print out the value of modifytimestamp below, nothing is displayed. However, string based attributes such as description are returned properly.
Thanks for any help.
objCommand.CommandText = "<LDAP://dc=thcg, dc=net>;;name,objectCategory,distinguishedName;subtree"
set objRS = objCommand.Execute
While Not objRS.EOF ' for each object in the domain
dn = objRS.Fields("distinguishedName")
objCategoryFull = objRS.Fields("objectCategory")
objCategory = checkCN(objCategoryFull)
if StrComp(objCategory, "Person") = 0 then set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & dn )
modifytimestamp = objUser.modifyTimeStamp
description = objUser.description
end if