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Get string that starts at the begining of the line

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Jul 17, 2001
i need to get functions (eg: "Private Sub"; Public Sub" or just "Sub"). But if i search just for a string with the words private, public or sub the program gives other strings that are in the middle of the code that contains this words.
So i had think that if i search only the strings that starts at the begining of the line, since the others have tab's, and search for that words i can get what i want.
For now it's all


PS -> If anyone have other solution i will appreciate!

I assume that you are reading a file that contains vb code from a vb program....

You could read one line at a time and check the begning of each line:
open "YourFile" for Input as #InFile
while not eof(infile)
line input #infile, inline
if lcase$(left$(trim$(inline,7)))="private" or _
lcase$(left$(trim$(inline,6)))="public" or _
lcase$(left$(trim$(inline,3)))="sub" then
'do your coding here
end if

If the file is in a string with all its data including the CRLFs, you can use Instr.
'lngfound points to last found
If lngFound = 1 then
    lngInstr = Instr(lngFound,strFile,strSearch)
    lngFound = lngFound + 2
End if
lngInstr = Instr(lngFound,strFile,vbCrlf & strSearch)
if lngInstr = 0 then
....not found
End if
Following skeleton code illustrates the use of the FileSystemObject in combination with the Split function to do the job. (Add the FileSystemObject through Project Menu -> References -> Sripting Runtime Library.

Public Sub Main()

Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = App.Path & "\modMain.bas"

Dim objFso As FileSystemObject
Set objFso = New FileSystemObject

Dim objTs As TextStream
Set objTs = objFso_OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)

'Split text into separate lines

Dim astrLines() As String
astrLines = Split(objTs.ReadAll, vbCrLf)

Dim lngIndexLines As Long
For lngIndexLines = LBound(astrLines) To UBound(astrLines)

Dim strTrimmedLine As String
strTrimmedLine = LTrim$(astrLines(lngIndexLines))

Select Case strTrimmedLine

Case vbNullString

'Skip, do nothing: Line is Blank

Case Else

'Split line into separate words

Dim astrWords() As String
astrWords = Split(strTrimmedLine, " ")

'Process the first word for comparison

Select Case astrWords(LBound(astrWords))

Case "Public"
Debug.Print astrLines(lngIndexLines)

Case "Private"
Debug.Print astrLines(lngIndexLines)

Case "Sub"
Debug.Print astrLines(lngIndexLines)

Case Else

End Select

End Select

Next lngIndexLines

End Sub

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. [attributed to Yogi Berra]
Of course a clean exit should (must) include

Set objTs = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing

before exiting the module!

Sorry _________________________________
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. [attributed to Yogi Berra]
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Part and Inventory Search

