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Get Red, Green, Blue color of panel? 1

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Apr 22, 2009
Yo, im trying to get the color of red, green and blue by byte - i have 3 labels lblRed, lblGreen, lblBlue, and 3 scrollbars.

i want to show the correct value in each label 0-255 and also scrollbar positions, hope this makes sense:

procedure TForm1.RetrieveCurrentSkinColors;
  R,G,B: Byte;
  {assign each color byte value from the panel}
  R:= Panel1.Color;
  G:= Panel1.Color;
  B:= Panel1.Color;

  {set label captions and scrollbar positions}
  lblRed.Caption:= IntToStr(R);
  lblGreen.Caption:= IntToStr(G);
  lblBlue.Caption:= IntToStr(B);

  barRed.Position:= R;
  barGreen.Position:= G;
  barBlue.Position:= B;

  {put retrieved color into panel}
  Panel2.Color:= Panel1.Color;

doesnt seem to work, basically i just need to find the rgb value for each color in panel1, red, green and blue.

i just need to find the rgb value for each color in panel1, red, green and blue.

2nd, 3rd, and 4th bytes in your TColor value.

Measurement is not management.
never mind, i found this at torry:

 RGB values to TColor
 RGB Werte zu TColor

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Edit1.Color := RGB(58, 110, 165);

 TColor to RGB values
 TColor zu RGB Werte

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  Color: Longint;
  r, g, b: Byte;
  Color := ColorToRGB(Edit1.Color);
  r     := Color;
  g     := Color shr 8;
  b     := Color shr 16;
  label1.Caption := ' Red  : ' + IntToStr(r) +
    ' Green: ' + IntToStr(g) +
    ' Blue : ' + IntToStr(b);

What I was saying is that you will find what you are wanting to know in those particular bytes of the TColor value. TColor is a 4-byte value.

Byte 2 = Red
Byte 3 = Green
Byte 4 = Blue

Now you should be able to redefine/assign the TColor value to an array[1..4] of byte and then access the data you need.

Measurement is not management.
Not necessarily addressed to the OP, but more commenting on the code that was copied. One thing that seems to be lost is the idea of simplicity. I'll admit that I didn't end up getting the whole story out of the docs (2-4 bytes as it appears in a LSB setup, which means 1-3 in a MSB one as you would have to access it). But even a task like this ended up being made more complex by throwing it into a function - I wouldn't even put it into a function unless it was called a BUNCH by a lot of different apps.

Maybe this is another symptom of the "just get it done as fast as possible" mentality and not worry about other factors. If it works go with it, if you can copy it go with it and not seek to learn how to do it yourself, etc.

color_type = (ctRed, ctGreen, ctBlue);

function SetColorChange(incolor: TColor; position: integer; color: color_type): TColor;
{ changes a specific color byte in a TColor }
  marray = array[0..3] of byte;
  Marray(incolor)[Integer(color)] := position;
  Result := incolor;

procedure TForm1.sbRedChange(Sender: TObject);
 { scroll bar change - signifies the red color }
  Panel1.Color := SetColorChange(Panel1.Color, sbRed.Position, ctRed);
  Label1.Caption := '$' + IntToHex(Integer(Panel1.Color), 8);

Measurement is not management.
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