We're trying to get the number of pages printed in our company. We have both local and network printers. The pages printed on the network printers, we get it from Jetadmin Software, but, how we can get the local ones?. We've been testing the Jetadmin plugin for local printers, but it doesn't collect the pages printed.
We know that form the panel control ot the HP 2000c we can get this number (diagnostic test), but we would like to get it in a better way, and if possible, extensible to the rest of models (870, 890, etc)
Does it exist any utility or specific software to do so?.
Tkanks in advance.
We're trying to get the number of pages printed in our company. We have both local and network printers. The pages printed on the network printers, we get it from Jetadmin Software, but, how we can get the local ones?. We've been testing the Jetadmin plugin for local printers, but it doesn't collect the pages printed.
We know that form the panel control ot the HP 2000c we can get this number (diagnostic test), but we would like to get it in a better way, and if possible, extensible to the rest of models (870, 890, etc)
Does it exist any utility or specific software to do so?.
Tkanks in advance.