I've asked this in the office forum but didn't get any response, so hoping that you guys can shed a little light on this for me as this will be an VB.NET eventually.
Does anyone know of the easiest method of getting good XML from a word doc either 2003 or 2007. Eventually want to be able to do this for XL, Powerpoint and Access too but for now strip tidy 'nice' looking XML from a word doc will do.
I know there's the save as XML option in 2003, and 2007 natively supports XML, but both these options wrap the usual amount of MS rubbish tags in there. I simply want to have tags that tell me the text in the document and the formatting of that text, most likely in paragraphs.
I considered using words document model and listing through storyranges for the properties i want in VBA and adding my own XML tags, but this seems very cumbersome/slow/not extensible.
Any ideas appreciated, there most be someone else out there you needs XML from word docs
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