Technical User
I've got a bunch of cells which contain long, variable-length strings of data, and nested inside the string is a set of parentheses.
e.g.: this+isAll&unnecessary" stuff">Idon'tneed>(but this part I need)<followed by&MORE unnecessarySTUFF
So I ONLY want to count the number of characters inside the parentheses (i.e., the function I'm looking for in the above example would count "but this part I need", and would return 20)
The parentheses don't appear in exactly the same place within each cell. I'm thinking that using the "FIND" function will be a part of the solution, or maybe I need to get a VBA module, I don't know. Thanks in advance!
Any suggestions?
I've got a bunch of cells which contain long, variable-length strings of data, and nested inside the string is a set of parentheses.
e.g.: this+isAll&unnecessary" stuff">Idon'tneed>(but this part I need)<followed by&MORE unnecessarySTUFF
So I ONLY want to count the number of characters inside the parentheses (i.e., the function I'm looking for in the above example would count "but this part I need", and would return 20)
The parentheses don't appear in exactly the same place within each cell. I'm thinking that using the "FIND" function will be a part of the solution, or maybe I need to get a VBA module, I don't know. Thanks in advance!
Any suggestions?