Hi, i was wondering how to make a loader that told me how many bytesLoaded out of bytesTotal the movie had downloaded.
I want a onClipEvent(load) to load test.swf into a parent .swf file.
I know how to do this but i want to know how to write the bytesLoaded and bytesTotal down on the parent movie that the test.swf has loaded. i.e 1234/2345 on the parent movie.
Also how do you convert the bytes to kb?
on parent movie: a holder for the test.swf to load into,
: how to write amnt of kb loaded/total kb.
I want a onClipEvent(load) to load test.swf into a parent .swf file.
I know how to do this but i want to know how to write the bytesLoaded and bytesTotal down on the parent movie that the test.swf has loaded. i.e 1234/2345 on the parent movie.
Also how do you convert the bytes to kb?
on parent movie: a holder for the test.swf to load into,
: how to write amnt of kb loaded/total kb.