Have you looked at the DateAdd and Weekday functions? You can add any number of weeks to a date. January, 2000 began on a Saturday, so adding a week will always return a saturday date (you can use Weekday function to confirm this), so you need to subtract one to get the friday date.
for example:
DateAdd("ww", 1, #1/1/00#) = 1/8/00
dateadd("d",-1,#1/8/00#) = 1/7/00, which is the friday of the first week of the year.
just a quick change to kathryn's post will keep it running well past Y2K. Replace "#1/1/00" with (DateValue("1/1/" & Year(Now()), so the ammended function would be:
Also, not that the single quotes around the d are repalced w/ double quotes.
[sig]<p>MichaelRed<br><a href=mailto:mred@duvallgroup.com>mred@duvallgroup.com</a><br>There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over[/sig]
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