For a true geometric mean, the root of the product varies by the number of values used to derive the product:
If 2 the Square root
3 needs cube root
4 needs fourth root , etc
Makes it difficult, given Crystal's operators to derive the geometric mean for any set that is not a multiple of 2 ( since you can take the square root of the square root to get 4th, and so forth)
To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
There si a slight error in the formula above. LBass assumes there are only two numbers in the data. A geometric mean is the nth root of the number.
To calculate the nth root of a number use the exponentiation operator with a fractional exponent.
So Formulas should read:
//{@initialize} to be placed in the report header
global numbervar x := 1; //Product variable
global numbervar c:=0; //counter variable
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section:
global numbervar x := x * {table.qty};
global numbervar c:=c + 1;
Result formula in the group or report footer:
global numbervar x;
global numbervar c;
if c=0 then 0 else x ^ (1/c)
Thanks for an interesting problem and solution. I'd like to include that in the next issue of Crystal Clear.
Chelseatech: Thank you for your post. I created formulas as directed. The result formula is creating a "numeric overflow" error. Do you know what is causing it or how to correct it?
How many numbers are you trying to multiple together and how big are they?
Could be you are exceeding a field value limit. I'm not sure what the biggest number you can use inside Crystal. With integers us old fashioned programmers always knew you couldn't go above 32767. I assume a number is double, so not sure if thats a 32 bit or 64 bit double number.
Can't see anyway around that. Try a smaller set of records and see if that is the cause of the problem.
How big are your source numbers. You could always create a normal scale and (for example) divide by 1000 on each product, and then multiple the result by 1000
Modified formauls would then read..
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section:
global numbervar x := x * {table.qty} /1000;
global numbervar c := c + 1;
Result formula in the group or report footer:
global numbervar x;
global numbervar c;
if c=0 then 0 else 1000 * (x ^ (1/c))
I am trying to calculate a monthly and period to date geo mean for a data set of about 400 records / month. Field values range from 0 to 30. If I run one month at a time, your formula works - I validated it against the geo mean formula in excel. I need to run more than one month at a time because I need year to date values. I tried your suggestion to divide then multiply by 1000 but the formula result is all zeroes. I think we are getting close, thank you for your expertise - it is much appreciated!
A zero in your data will mess everything up. If your values are between 0 and 30 normalise them to that range as below. Also note that genometric mean can't work with negative numbers so my formula below excludes those too.
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section:
global numbervar x;
global numbervar c;
If {table.qty}> 0 then (
x:= x * {table.qty} /30;
c:= c + 1
Result formula in the group or report footer:
whileprintingrecords;global numbervar x;
global numbervar c;if c=0 then 0 else 30 * (x ^ (1/c))
Chelseatech - Thanks for your input on this formula. I tried your latest modifications (coppied and pasted but changed the field name) but still end up with 0.0000000 for the final result. At this point, I think I will just export my values to excel and get the geomean there.
Your original formulas do work accurately for data sets up to about 400 records. Normalising seems to cause a problem with the final result.
Found another solution to the overflow problem. Use a log value and then the results can be added instead of multiplied. A little trickier to convert the log back into a number, but I sorted that out too.
Fantastic! It works, and I validated the result using the GeoMean formula in Excel. Thank you so much, this has saved me a lot of time and reduced the potential for error in my calculations.
You should be TipMaster of the week just for solving this one!!!!
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