Hi all
I could use some help in understanding GML, i have a GML file and i want to transform it using XSLT into readable format for example svg format.
GML is geography markup language its a type of XML for geography. A map would be decribed in an XML (text type) Format and i want to to apply an xsl stylesheet in order to transform it into something a user can see, eg svg - scalable vector graphic. Im new to XML and ive been learning tutorials on how xsl stylesheets work for XML files. I would appreciate any information on these topics.
I could use some help in understanding GML, i have a GML file and i want to transform it using XSLT into readable format for example svg format.
GML is geography markup language its a type of XML for geography. A map would be decribed in an XML (text type) Format and i want to to apply an xsl stylesheet in order to transform it into something a user can see, eg svg - scalable vector graphic. Im new to XML and ive been learning tutorials on how xsl stylesheets work for XML files. I would appreciate any information on these topics.