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General questions for the programmers/installers micros

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Technical User
Apr 7, 2010
What are the 3 services that Micros needs to run correctly?
What was the first version or RES where PCI was put in place?

Thank you

I think the first question is too vague.

The second question is complicated and vague also but,

For 3700, generally speaking the 4.x + series introduces features which allow CC processing that adheres to PCI compliant theory. Too much outside of the POS software itself is required by PCI. Out of the twelve high level PCI DSS rules only rules 3, 4, and 6, are a part of the POS application itself. Even then you can set options in many older versions of Micros that subvert the security. Look into transaction vault for improved support.

For Simphony all release versions are and have been PCI compliant.

For 9700 I believe it's been all versions 2.x + ..

For 8700 no versions, since SCO is no longer supported it's not really possible.

For 2700 no versions, end of life before PCI would have impacted it.

Micros needs more than 3 services to run, but the exact services depends on your version and what features you use.
3700d, DSM, Autosequences, CAL, Database, Database Update, MDS HTTP, Print Controller and Remoting all need to be running as a core for 4.x systems. So does sqlYourServerName. I assume you're running credit cards since you asked about PCI, so the Credit Card service needs to be running

RES also has kind of a rolling PCI timeline depending on what kind of equipment you have. XP is going out of support in April 2014, Win2003 in June 2015. Micros will continue to support WinCE4 devices until December 2014 even though Microsoft isn't. I actually have a RES 4.9 system that will fall out of compliancy before by 4.6 systems because the 4.9 server is XP while the 4.6 server is Win2003.

Also, the certification on all versions of RES below 4.11 expires in October of this year and will not be renewed. however, Micros is telling me that this will only effect change of service orders and won't throw the system out of compliancy since they'll still be supported.
Thank you so much.
I am trying to increase my Micros skills. You explain things WAY better than Micros ....

May I bug you once? more?
How do you set up split screen kds? I know panel is set to 2 in order devices and devices but do you have to have a kds theme created.

Linkage is like this, (is that a word?)
menu item / print class / XXX
Device/ panel 1 / but then ORder device / panel 2

-how is one kds spilt screen taking 2 different order devices (or print class-which is correct)

thank you.
No problem Michelle, glad to help.

When you set up a split screen KDS the system treats each panel as a separate screen. Think of a split KDS as 2 different devices that share a common setup. You need an order device linked to each panel, and print classes to send orders to each.

For instance, say you have a KDS screen that receives coffee and dessert orders. You set up two order devices: Coffee (to panel 1) and Dessert (to panel 2). Create a Coffee print class, set it to print to the Coffee order device and link that to the appropriate menu items. Now create a Dessert print class, set it to print to the Dessert order device and link that to the appropriate menu items too. POS Operations will determine which panel orders go to.

When you say KDS Themes, do you mean kitchen themes? I have a few restaurants using kitchen themes, and would definitely try to stay away from them if possible; they work well if you use different kitchen configurations on a regular basis, but if it's just occasional changes, or if you just modify one or two order devices, it's easier to use redirection through manager procedures.

Hope that helps.

So I dont need kitchen themes do do this? (pos/devices/kitchen themes)
I think the lab I am looking at has two different PHYSICAL kds in pos/network node and pos/devices/devices.
I am simply adding one kds
for example netwk node i see in lab diff kds w/diff IP
then devices same kds w/same
Do I just name the same physical kds in order devices?

Yep, just select the same device in order devices and set the panel you want it to go to. You can always point multiple order devices to the same physical device, with split screen KDS you just add the panel designation.

It doesn't sound like you need kitchen themes. They're helpful when your kitchen functionality changes in set ways. I use them in one of our locations that has 3 kitchens and 2 bars, with a total of 27 workstations, 16 KDS screens and 12 order printers. During busy times they'll have everything open, other times all the food will come out of one or two kitchens. Redirecting the order devices manually is just a mess waiting to happen, so I implemented kitchen themes for the different ways they work.
But they're a pain to set up, and one you implement themes you can't stop using them, the best you can do is delete all but one and leave it active 24/7.
I may be over thinking this but?
I need to program a menu item, have it appear on the WS / send to kds then bump to the printer.
Would you just take a glance please????
I can just copy and paste a similar menu item. SlU >> shows on the WS. right?
Set up print class which tells it where to print >> kitchen, order right?
NOW in Devices/ WS / this is where I tell it which kds to display right?

Am I overthinking???
Do I am use print classes / remote device to tell where to print when bumped???
Devices/ order Devices -for example kds coffee and kds dessert are being set up as service areas as well as printers but what is this telling the system if user ws if to dipslay on which kds and print class is bump from which kds.

Is this horribly confusing?
Sounds like you're starting to confuse yourself.

So yes, you've pretty much got it with the first few questions. You can just copy/paste a similar menu item. The SLU setting determines which SLU button(s) the item will show up for. The print class assigned to the item determines which order printers will get it.

The Order Devices tab in the UWS setup determines which order devices each workstation is allowed to use. This is how you make a beer go to the service bar printer when ordered from a floor workstation but not when ordered behind the bar. The print class for beer has the bar printer checked, as does the floor workstation, but the bar workstation doesn't. An order device has to be allowed for both the print class and workstation for an item to print to it. Make sense?

This is a good place to test things out. Make sure that you have the KDS display showing on the screens. If that's good, enable it on your test workstation, make a print class that goes to it, set up a menu item and take it out for a test.

Now, the printing and displaying has me a little confused. I can't tell if you want the items to go to both an order printer and the KDS screen, or if you want them to only go to the screen and print when they're bumped. If you want them to go to an order printer and a KDS screen, just enable both for the print class and the workstation. If you want them to print only when the order is bumped, that's in the KDS order device setup:
1) In the POS Configurator go to Devices | Order Devices and select the KDS order device you're working with
2) Go the the KDS tab on that screen, and then the Options tab. Click "Print On Prep Done". This tells it to print when bumped from that screen.
3) Go to the Printer Definition tab on the same screen. Pick the printer you want the bumped items printing to in the Primary Runner Chit Printer dropdown. These are the printers from your Devices setup, not the Order Devices.

That should be it. Let me know how it works out.
Thank you so much for your patience. I think my main issue is it is my first time setting up and testing a lab. There are no a lot of resources except for you. I am almost there but???
I have....
rs232 printer and idn >> one WS and server
both printers cannot be configured for the WS correct (I mean with basic setup). SoI would make for example the idn a XXXX and the serial XXXX in print class?
Print class top of form where journal, check, (what is a local order receipt) tells system what to print right but
bottom order device tells where? Is this right? I think I am also confusing myself because after assigning and naming print class to a menu item and the form in user ws/ order devices like app or hot. But the next tab uses thermal, express, again is this the physical device? Why are we using different print names here?
I feel like an idiot - I really to actually do this a few times to get the hang of it. Again thank you.

No problem, we all have to start somewhere.

You can run both serial and idn printers from the same workstation. The Network Node setup has a tab for Com Ports. You probably have port 4 set up already, and you can add port 5, (which I think is the serial port), by clicking the blue plus side above the Baud Rate dropdown box. I haven't configured a micros serial printer in probably at least 12 years so maybe somebody here will help with that.

Is the lab system you have using the serial as a check printer and the idn as the order printer? That's a common setup, and will determine how you treat the printers. Check printers have to be set up in the Devices screen, but not in Order Devices.

The top part of the print class determines whether the items linked to it print on guest checks and reporting. Most items will print to everything but the Local Order Receipt and Fiscal Cash Register. Common exceptions are items and messages that are instructions for the kitchen/bar, ex. meat temps, no salt, extra ice, etc... These are usually just sent to the journal printer in the top area.

Fiscal Cash Register - I think this is an external device that can be connected for auditing. Never used it personally.
Local Order Printer - this makes the item print on an order chit at the check printer for the workstation. I use this for guacamole orders. Our Mexican restaurants have table-side guacamole stations, so they can't have a printer. Guacamole chits print a the workstation, (Local Order), when a server places an order, and the server then hands it off to the guac station.

You're definitely confusing yourself with physical & logical printers, and probably jumping back and forth between screens. Order devices have nothing to do with express thermal, autocut, etc... those are Device setting. It sounds like you may be hitting the little yellow folder icon
As far as printers go, think of the Devices setup as physical equipment that you can touch. This is where you tell Micros what kind of hardware you're working with.

Order Devices are logical devices. Try not to think of them as printers, but as the prep station they're used for. They're usually linked to a piece of hardware with the same, which causes some confusion, but that's not necessary. You can have multiple order devices linked to a single physical device.
[ol 1]
Just try not to get frustrated, go through the tabs one by one, and try not to jump back and forth at first.
[li]Network Node - define anything with an operation system[/li]
[li]Devices - link workstations and kds units to network nodes and define your printers[/li]
[li]User workstation - tell the system how your workstations should behave[/li]
[li]Order Devices - define the stations that will be receiving orders and link those stations to a physical printer/kds.
One thing we didn't mention is redirection. Once you have the Device saved for your Order Devices, set the Redirection Device for each Order Device to itself. (Hot goes to Hot, App goes to App, etc...).[/li]
[li]Print Classes - set up the routing you need to get menu items to the correct prep stations.[/li]
[li]User workstation - go back and tell the system which order devices each workstation is allowed to use[/li]

You may want to use different names for things in your lab. Like calling a device D-Hot and the order device OD-Hot. It just makes it easier to tell if you're selecting a physical or logical device when you're on other screens. So in the Order Device setup you'll see selections starting with D- in the Device and Backup Device dropdowns, but OD- in the Redirection Device and in the Print Class setup. I did this year ago when I was trying to figure out how condiments worked and it really helped. Speaking of which, I'd suggest you get regular menu items working before worrying about modifiers. They're going to bring Menu Item Classes into the mix.
Well, making a go of this today.
Thank you for all of you help. You do explain better than anyone....

Being redunant:
I am planning to add two MI just to test. One app and one dessert.
so i should add printers app and dessert in order device to link the print class (meaning mI) to right?
because they are not going to a guest check?

I wont bother you again until I test and test and test....
Yes, two printers and two print classes. You'll want these items to show on the guest check when you print it, so select Check and Customer Receipt. I also check Journal for ever print class. It really helps tracking things down when there's a problem.
Well, well well...... I was given a 'test lab' was supposed to create and send 2 menu items to a split kds screen. Bump and print. I had a idn and serial rs232. both tm88. I set network up and ran cal. split the kds screen, but I choked on (and I know the theory of allof this !!) but it was a lab db with existing printers, WS and mi. I copied ans psted MI but should I have had one pritner from WS and other from the server? Was I supposed to assign teh existign printers in teh test db to the hardware settings. I slmost wanted a blank db. Still gathering my thoughts but I had double orders on top panel of kds and I dont even think my serial printer printed. Still trying though..
It doesn't really matter where the printers are connected, as long as you match the setup in the devices section of the configurator.

I'd use the IDN printer as the check printer and the serial as the chit printer, just to keep things clear. So for each of your KDS order devices, assign the serial printer as the primary runner chit and the IDN as the backup runner chit printer.

If you're getting double orders on one panel and none on the other it sound like you have both KDS order devices set to the same panel.
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