I am importing a large set of monthly GL transactions. MAS90 4.05. From an Excel spreadsheet.
Succeeded in getting the spreadsheet past the validation stage. But when I do the actual import process, all records are skipped and this is the error message I get.
Skip Reason/Comment - "You must enter at least one line"
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
And I cannot imagine that we really need to enter the Line sequence number and Journal Register number manually instead of having the system just get the next sequential number. Am I missing something?
I am using the standard, not the alternate format.
For the Account Description I am using what is in the spreadsheet, which may not exactly match character for character what is in the MAS90 GL Master file. I cannot imagine why this field is necessary. Given the appropriate GL Account, MAS90 already has the Account Description.
For Journal Register Number I am putting in "001000" and the parameter is set to get the next available register if this one is already used. I really don't want our staff to have to go in and get the next number from MAS90 when this is something that MAS90 can do all by itself.
For Line Sequence Number I did a Fill Series in Excel starting with 1 and ending with 600. There are 600 entries. Again, this field should not be required. MAS90 should be able to increment this all by itself.
I was thinking I might try an ASCII text file instead of Excel. There is a note on the only documentation I could find:
NOTE The ASCII text file type requires that each data field be positioned at particular character positions. All other file types must store each data field as a separate field or column.
Are the values of these particular character positions documented? Or is it trial and error.
If anyone has successfully done this and can offer assistance I surely would be grateful.