I think it best to give my level of my knowledge in relation to web services and foxpro. I have virtually no knowledge of how web services work, other than they are like functions available over the web. I have many years of foxpro programming behind me.
I am currently trying to specify changes to a Foxpro front end with a SQL server back end that needs to access some external web services.
One of the first things I am considering is where to run the web services. I looking at this from failue and retrying point of view.
For example, Use the foxpro code to call the service and it fails to run (web service unavailable, etc - is there a difference, what would get returned if the service were unavailble for example). I am assuming it would return a failure code. I would need to retry this but wouldn't want to tie up the foxpro system to do the retries. I then wondered could a SQL server could have a scheduled process to run through a table data of information and re-parse it if it fails. I would imagine I would need a separate web service of my own to do this.
Anyone know a good place where I could get a good intorduction to web services, preferably in relation to foxpro to help me put together a sensible spec.
Many thanks,
Mark Davies
Warwickshire County Council
I think it best to give my level of my knowledge in relation to web services and foxpro. I have virtually no knowledge of how web services work, other than they are like functions available over the web. I have many years of foxpro programming behind me.
I am currently trying to specify changes to a Foxpro front end with a SQL server back end that needs to access some external web services.
One of the first things I am considering is where to run the web services. I looking at this from failue and retrying point of view.
For example, Use the foxpro code to call the service and it fails to run (web service unavailable, etc - is there a difference, what would get returned if the service were unavailble for example). I am assuming it would return a failure code. I would need to retry this but wouldn't want to tie up the foxpro system to do the retries. I then wondered could a SQL server could have a scheduled process to run through a table data of information and re-parse it if it fails. I would imagine I would need a separate web service of my own to do this.
Anyone know a good place where I could get a good intorduction to web services, preferably in relation to foxpro to help me put together a sensible spec.
Many thanks,
Mark Davies
Warwickshire County Council