Hi, i need to do a horse genealogical tree but i don't know where to start from and i hope you can give ideas of how deal with this and also i need to save in the Horse's Curriculum Vitae and image of it how can i do both?
Well, since it is a tree, I suppose that displaying it in a TreeView would be a good choice. You can look at a sample of how to work with the TreeView in the solution samples that ship with VFP.
I guess this is no different from any other programming project. Start by doing an analysis of the requirements, then come up with a design for a system that will the job.
Once you've done that, you can start thinking about particular programming issues. When you do, come back here with your specific questions.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
I think the core of such a system could consist of one table with a PrimaryKey, HorseName, SirePrimaryKey, DamPrimaryKey, and LocationOnDiskOfPicture fields. You would probably have a number of other pieces of information to record. Some of them, such DOB, could go in this table and others, such as a record of races run, you would put in child tables.
Thanks everyone for your support and i really need to find documentation about it because i believe it's complex in this case for me, specially because a son can have parents and at the same time the parents has their own parents and so on, so i really appreciate your help with this.
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