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Apr 12, 2008
I have a question here...

Can I use the CAB-SS-2626-3 Smart cable with the NM-1E2W module?

I am also wondering if anyone has any sites or info on where to start learning about GBIC's and basically which cards and which cables to use in setting up home labs...

At the moment I have three routers...
1x 2610 (nonXM)
2x 3640 with 2x NM-1E2W

Was hoping to run crossover from 2610 to first 3640 and serial between the 3640's... Is that possible or am I misunderstanding the NM-1E2W? I still don't understand why the serial connection on the NM-1E2W's don't show up when I run a "sh int". I believe that I need a basics of the modules course.. LoL

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Also... About the NM-1E2W

I definitely understand the NM = Network Module
and the 1E = 1x Ethernet 10mbps

But this is where things are a bit shady for me...
The 2W... 2x WIC (WAN Interface Card).. I am certain that these are the expansion slots on the actual NM-1E2W. My question about this would be.. What goes here? Obviously another interface card that incorporates e/fa/serial etc but I have not seen any listing for these type of cards anywhere... I mean.. I see actual Network Modules but not cards that can be inserted into network modules.. If that makes any sense!

I believe that I have discovered the answer to a part of my first post.. the "serial" connection is actually an AUI "Attachment Unit Interface".. DB15 but I am still unsure if this can be used for a router to router setup... I am assuming that the answer is no since it does not show up as an interface..

I told you that I have a long way to go! LoL Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again Guys!

These Network modules have 2 WIC slots for WIC cards - on the 1600 and 1700 they only hold WIC cards, the 2600 has 2 WIC slots and 1 Network module slot - so with the right Network module you could have 4 WICs on a 2600 router

Cisco WIC Modules

Cisco WAN Interface Cards used in the 1600/1700/2600/3600 series routers -

Cisco WIC-1DSU-T1 Module

Cisco WIC-1DSU-56K4 Module

Cisco WIC-1B-U Module

Cisco WIC-1B-S/T Module

Cisco WIC-2A/S Module

Cisco WIC-1T Module

Cisco WIC-2T Module

Cisco WIC-1AM Module

Cisco WIC-2AM Module


You can find these on eBay by searching WIC!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +

Once you have the WICs for these slots in the Network module and the cable that matches that WIC interface - might be a DB15 or one of Cisco's mini DB connectors for Smart cables, then youcan connect the routers!

These are your WAN connections for HDLC, PPP, Frame Relay etc.

The Ethernets are for your LAN connections.

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +

You said - "I still don't understand why the serial connection on the NM-1E2W's don't show up when I run a "sh int". " You will not see anything for the serial interfaces until you put a WIC in that slot!

You said - "I believe that I need a basics of the modules course.. " - Google is a wonderful thing - when I am on eBay or reading something I do not understand - I Google it!!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +

Once you get some WICs for the 2 3640s and the 2610 you can set up a lab like this -
   ------------WAN --------------
  |                              |
2610 ----WAN----3640----WAN----3640
  |              |               |
 LAN            LAN             LAN
2950 Port 1-8   2950 Ports 9-16 2950 Ports 17-24
VLAN 1          VLAN 2          VLAN 3
  |               |               |
PC 1             PC 2            PC 3
Hope this helps!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
Thanks a million CiscoGuy! That was very helpful!

I believe that I have a grasp on the AUI on the NM-1E2W as well... (The NM-1E2W has 1x ethernet port and 1x 9-pin AUI) It is a transceiver and it allows me to connect a cable that will convert it from 9-pin (db9) to another connection type.. such as RJ-48 or any "ethernet type" connector.. Correct? I am assuming that if I connect a cable that is db9 on one end and say RJ-45 on the other end then it could be used instead of the ethernet port on the module... Not sure... Will have to test it when I buy my modules and wics...

Now I will begin researching those! Thanks again for all of the info!
OK.. I spent the last couple of hours looking into NM's and WIC's! Let me know what you think!

I will add a WIC-1T into the 2610 and one into one of the 3640's as well as a NM-4A/S into the other 3640! That should prove sufficient for my WAN setup that you provided with Back-to-Back cables x2!

I believe that I need fastEthernet for VLAN connectivity so I will also add an NM-1FE-TX to the 2610! I am going to buy a few 2924XL switches to get started although I really want some 2950's! (Losing RSTP this way.. will have to segment later when I add the 2950's!)

That should give me a good intro into CCNP when I get there dependent on where I start! Definitely appreciate all of the assistance! Please let me know if you see anything that I may be missing or if there is a reason to avoid the 2924's!

Oh and also wanted to ask if there was a "Master Power Switch" and "Access Server" that anyone prefers and why...OK!! Later Guys!

PS. I really can't say thanks enough here because I went from not understanding the difference between a Network Module and a WAN Interface Card to having a pretty good grasp on this as well! Another advantage to building a lab! You end up in forums such as this meeting the most awesome, informative, and helpful people!


You said - " believe that I need fastEthernet for VLAN connectivity so I will also add an NM-1FE-TX to the 2610!" You better check - the 2610 is a 10baseT router - not sure if it will take the Fast Ethernet Network module - I know the 3640s will!

Just google it!

You said - "Oh and also wanted to ask if there was a "Master Power Switch" and "Access Server" that anyone prefers" I have 2 "rack mounted" Isabar power switchs on my lab (it is in a portable 2 sided "DJ" box with a rack in it - Cisco uses these when they travel to shows)

As for access server I bought a 2511RJ - instead of the 2 octi cables you have 16 RJ 45 ports to plug your console cables in - more $$$$ but I like it!

Most people use 2509, 2509RJ, 2511 or 2511RJ just watch eBay!

Hope this helps!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
Awesome.. Thanks again CiscoGuy!

I just checked Craigslist today and a guy just posted two "MORE" 3640's for $180... I got them for $165.. Pretty good deal! They tested good with his cards in there etc...

I am going to post another question I ran into when trying to upgrade one of these guys to 12.4...
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