I have a network of 2 Win95 boxes and 1 Linux box. The Linux box is running Slackware 7.0, I have it set up so that ip-masking works. the thing is my family uses 3 diffrent service providers. Netzero, free and a local one. Free is used for 99% of all the connections. However in order to send mail for the local service or for netzero, I have to be logined to their service. I was wondering if it was possable to set sendmail up to forge the mail when ever it is send. Then when I send mail from the netzero address it automatically creates a forged e-mail saying that is is from netzero even though it was sent while connected to free I would like to do the same for the local isp's mailbox.<br>Also I am having trouble getting demand dialing to work. I have tried ppp-go -d but that only works for one 'demand' then it sits there. I have heard of diald but can't find a copy and have no idea how to get it up and running.<br> <p> Erik<br><a href=mailto:cirvam@netzero.net>cirvam@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Looking to learn more about Linux, Apache, PHP and others.