I`m looking to deploy Gatekeepers connecting to GW`s and possible thinking of using "rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept" so reduce administration. The idea is that rather then configure Zone prefix for each Pots Dial-Peer on the local gateways we use the dynamic-prefix-accept setting so dial-peer are automatically added- all good so far particular in a single GK set up . However I`m also thinking of use a back GK and using GUP/ Alternative GK my question is
1. When using GUP, Gatekeeper clustering can I still use "rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept" and not configure any Zone Prefix on either GK- Primary and alternative
2. If I use "rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept" is the fail over seamless or do they have to rebuild themselves again and if so does anyone know what time
Many thanks