I want to make a DFD in visio 2000 using the gane-sarson notation. Checking the help file claims the default setting for DFD's is gane-sarson, when it is, in actual fact, not the case at all.
Searching the web revealed that visio 1997 has the template for a Gane-Sarson DFD, although I couldn't find any downloads for this template.
If anyone has this template or knows how to get the gane-sarson dfd in vision 2000 that would be really helpful.
Searching the web revealed that visio 1997 has the template for a Gane-Sarson DFD, although I couldn't find any downloads for this template.
If anyone has this template or knows how to get the gane-sarson dfd in vision 2000 that would be really helpful.