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FY Comparison isnt working

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Mar 5, 2009
I am trying to create a report that does a Unit fiscal Year Comparison with the current year totals by month, by person. The queries I have set up work individually but the problem is when the comparison is done the current year totals don't work correctly. The problem is the FY2012 has 628 names to compare and the current year has 382 names. My code calculates the FY2012 totals by name and puts them in Col 19 of the spreadheet that I am using. I can't figure out how to delete just the names that don't match the FY2013. Any help is appreciated.


   Dim strTemplate1 As String
    Dim strTemplate2 As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim iRw As Integer
    Dim iCol As Integer
    Dim Z As Integer
    Dim Y As Integer
    Dim strCurRP As String
    Dim strGrpRP As String
    Dim strCurPOS As String
    Dim strGrpPOS As String
    Dim strCurM As String
    Dim strGrpM As String
    Dim strSaveName As String
    Dim strSheetName As String
    Dim strTemplateSheetName As String
    Dim iNumMon As Integer
    Dim intFyTot As Integer

    iNumMon = GetMonthTot()
    '*************************************** PROCEDURES SHEET ************************************************************************
    ' Total Procedures
      strTemplateSheetName = "RefPhys"
        ' Open Excel
        Call XLCreate
       'Define Template
        strTemplate1 = "\\AutoRpts\_RptSets\OTHER\INR\Tools\RefProv.xlt"
        ' Open Template
        goXL.Workbooks.Open Filename:=strTemplate1
        'Calculate Previous Year Totals
    strSQL = "SELECT [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff,tbl_RptData.RefProvider,tbl_RptData.refgrp,tbl_RptData.UCI,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].uci,tbl_RptData.yr,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fy,tbl_RptData.rptpd,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpd, Sum(tbl_RptData.Unit) AS u " & _
             "FROM tbl_RptData INNER JOIN dbo_rpt_FYInfo ON tbl_RptData.UCI = [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].uci And tbl_RptData.rptpd = [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpd And tbl_RptData.yr = [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fy " & _
             "GROUP BY dbo_rpt_FYInfo.fydiff,tbl_RptData.UCI,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].uci,tbl_RptData.RefProvider,tbl_RptData.refgrp,tbl_RptData.yr,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fy,tbl_RptData.rptpd,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpd " & _
             "HAVING [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff =1 And Sum(tbl_RptData.Unit) <> 0 " & _
             "ORDER BY tbl_RptData.RefProvider;"
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbopensnapshot)
    If Not rst.EOF Then
        With rst
        End With
        ' Initialize
        iRw = 6
          With goXL.ActiveSheet
            .Cells(1, 1).Value = "REFERRING PHYSICIAN REFERRED (Units)"
            .Cells(3, 1).Value = "Fiscal " & (rst![fy])
        End With
        strCurRP = (rst![RefProvider])
        strGrpRP = (rst![RefProvider])
        For Y = 1 To rst.RecordCount
            If ((rst![fydiff]) = 1) Then
                iCol = 17
            End If
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Cells(iRw, 1).Value = strCurRP
                .Cells(iRw, 2).Value = (rst![refgrp])
            If strCurRP = strGrpRP Then intFyTot = (rst![u]) + intFyTot
                .Cells(iRw, iCol).Value = intFyTot
            End With
            If Not rst.EOF Then
                strCurRP = (rst![RefProvider])
                If (strCurRP <> strGrpRP) Then
                    iRw = iRw + 1
                    strGrpRP = strCurRP
                    intFyTot = 0
                End If
            End If
        Next Y
    End If
        Set rst = Nothing
         ' Delete Extra Rows
        With goXL
            .Rows("" & (iRw + 1) & ":1499").Select
            Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
            .Cells(4, 1).Select
        End With
       'Current Year Totals by month
    strSQL = "SELECT [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].imp,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fyord,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fy,tbl_RptData.RefProvider,tbl_RptData.refgrp,tbl_RptData.rptpd,Sum(tbl_RptData.Unit) AS u " & _
             "FROM tbl_RptData INNER JOIN dbo_rpt_FYInfo ON tbl_RptData.rptpd = [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpd AND tbl_RptData.UCI = [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].uci " & _
             "GROUP BY tbl_RptData.RefProvider,tbl_RptData.refgrp,tbl_RptData.rptpd,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpddiff,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].imp,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fy,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fyord " & _
             "HAVING [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff =0 And [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].imp = 1 And [dbo_rpt_FYInfo].rptpddiff >=0 And Sum(tbl_RptData.Unit) <> 0 " & _
             "ORDER BY tbl_RptData.RefProvider,tbl_RptData.refgrp,tbl_RptData.rptpd,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fyord,[dbo_rpt_FYInfo].fydiff;"
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbopensnapshot)
    If Not rst.EOF Then
        With rst
        End With
      ' Initialize
        iRw = 6
        'Name Sheet
        With goXL.Sheets(strTemplateSheetName)
            .Name = "RefProv_Tot_Units"
            .Cells(3, 1).Value = "Fiscal " & (rst![fy])
            .Cells(1, 19) = iNumMon
        End With
        strCurRP = (rst![RefProvider])
        strGrpRP = (rst![RefProvider])
        ' Add Data
        For Z = 1 To rst.RecordCount
            iCol = ((rst![fyord]) + 2)
            With goXL.ActiveSheet
                .Cells(iRw, 1).Value = strCurRP
                .Cells(iRw, 2).Value = (rst![refgrp])
                .Cells(iRw, iCol).Value = (rst![u])
            End With
            If Not rst.EOF Then
                strCurRP = (rst![RefProvider])
                If (strCurRP <> strGrpRP) Then
                    iRw = iRw + 1
                    strGrpRP = strCurRP
                End If
            End If
        Next Z
'        ' Delete Extra Rows
'        With goXL
'            .Rows("" & (iRw + 1) & ":1499").Select
'            Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'            .Cells(4, 1).Select
'        End With
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
Glancing at your code (not reading very closely) it appears that you could put all your logic in one query, use that query as a data source in Excel and use a Pivot table to get the data presentation you are after.

In any case, I would look to queries to eliminate data rather than Excel code.... A "Not IN (<subquery>)" is probably the way to go.
I wrote Not IN above... you may just want IN.
Anyway, I'd replace this:
.Rows("" & (iRw + 1) & ":1499").Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
with this:
.Rows("" & (iRw + 1) & ":1499").Delete Shift:=xlUp

Hope This Helps, PH.
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