I have a problem regarding excluding certain dates from calculating future dates.
Say I can't use specific months. (i.e. Winter months) and I want to be able to calculate a year from a date, but it doesn't include Dec., Jan. and Feb. So a year from a date (say Sep. 1, 2006) futuring dating it for a year should return Mar. 1, 2008 as it skips out on Dec., Jan. and Feb of 2007. Cant this be done?
Also would I have to create separate codes to account for holidays that fall on a workday? Of if it falls on a weekend and the following Monday is the holiday.
Say I can't use specific months. (i.e. Winter months) and I want to be able to calculate a year from a date, but it doesn't include Dec., Jan. and Feb. So a year from a date (say Sep. 1, 2006) futuring dating it for a year should return Mar. 1, 2008 as it skips out on Dec., Jan. and Feb of 2007. Cant this be done?
Also would I have to create separate codes to account for holidays that fall on a workday? Of if it falls on a weekend and the following Monday is the holiday.