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Function to count time between to days with extras 1

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Sep 21, 2002

Anyone done a custom function with these requirements
-draws from table listing non-work days
-provides option group to include or exclude weekends
-calculates the number of days between a start date and end date excluding the pre-defined dates and including/excluding weekends based on the option group selection.

If would be nice if it allowed for quick conversion between min, hours, days, weeks, etc

Anyone done anything like this? I know of a weekday function but I need something with more flexibility and was hoping I didnt have to reinvent the wheel.

or this rather minor variation

Public Function basWrkHrs(StDate As Date, EndDate As Date) As Double

    'Get the number of work HOURS between the given dates
    'Michael Red    8/23/01

    Dim blnHoliFnd As Boolean       'Flag for Hloiday found
    Dim Holidate(21) As Date        'Table of Holidays
    Dim Idx As Long                 'Index for start/end dates
    Dim Kdx As Long                 'Index / counter for Number of days
    Dim Jdx As Integer              'Index doe the Hloidate array
    Dim MyDate As Date              'Tempdate
    Dim AccumTime As Double         'Hours Accumulated

    Const MinsPerDay = 1440         'Every Minute of the DAY!!
    Const MinsPerHr = 60#           '60 Minutes per Hour

    'For MAINTENANCE purposes, the array should be in a TABLE
    'There SHOULD be a form to add/edit/delete the table.
    'At run time, the TABLE should be wholy loaded into the ARRAY
    'to promote execution effiency.

    'Array(Table) of Holiday Dates
    Holidate(0) = #1/1/2001#        'NewYearsDay
    Holidate(1) = #1/17/2001#       'Martin Luther King Day
    Holidate(2) = #2/2/2001#        'Groundhog Day
    Holidate(3) = #2/12/2001#       'Lincon's Birthday
    Holidate(4) = #2/14/2001#       'Valentine's Day
    Holidate(5) = #2/21/2001#       'President's Day
    Holidate(6) = #2/22/2001#       'Washington's Birthday
    Holidate(7) = #3/8/2001#        'Ash Wednesday
    Holidate(8) = #3/17/2001#       'St. Patrick's Day
    Holidate(8) = #4/1/2001#        'April Fool's Day
    Holidate(9) = #4/20/2001#       'Passover
    Holidate(10) = #4/21/2001#      'Good Friday
    Holidate(11) = #5/5/2001#       'Cinco de Mayo
    Holidate(12) = #5/14/2001#      'Mother's Day
    Holidate(13) = #6/11/2001#      'Pentecost
    Holidate(14) = #6/18/2001#      'Father's Day
    Holidate(15) = #7/4/2001#       'Independence Day
    Holidate(16) = #9/4/2001#       'Labor Day
    Holidate(17) = #10/31/2001#     'Halloween
    Holidate(18) = #11/11/2001#     'Vetran's Day
    Holidate(19) = #11/23/2001#     'Thanksgiving
    Holidate(20) = #12/25/2001#     'Christmas
    Holidate(21) = #12/31/2001#     'New Year's Eve

    'Get the incremental Minutes for the Start & End Dates
    If (Not (Weekday(StDate) = vbSaturday Or Weekday(StDate) = vbSunday)) Then
        AccumTime = DateDiff("n", StDate, Format(StDate + 1, "mm/dd/yy"))
    End If

    If (Not (Weekday(EndDate) = vbSaturday Or Weekday(EndDate) = Sunday)) Then
        AccumTime = AccumTime + DateDiff("n", Format(EndDate, "mm/dd/yy"), EndDate)
    End If

    MyDate = Format(StDate + 1, "Short Date")

    'Loop for each day INSIDE the interval
    For Idx = CLng(StDate + 1) To CLng(EndDate) - 1

        blnHoliFnd = False

        If (Weekday(MyDate) = vbSaturday Or Weekday(MyDate) = vbSunday) Then
            blnHoliFnd = True
            GoTo NoTime
        End If

        For Jdx = 0 To UBound(Holidate)

            If (Holidate(Jdx) = MyDate) Then
                blnHoliFnd = True
                Exit For
'             Else
'                Do Nothing, it is NOT a Workday
            End If

        Next Jdx


        'count WHOLE (Work) days
        If (blnHoliFnd = False) Then
            Kdx = Kdx + 1
        End If
        MyDate = DateAdd("d", 1, MyDate)

    Next Idx

    'Got the number of days.  Now, add work minutes to acuumtime
    AccumTime = AccumTime + CSng(Kdx) * CSng(MinsPerDay)

    basWrkHrs = AccumTime / MinsPerHr

End Function


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Wow thank you both for your replies.


I have never used an access table to load an array could you provide code for that or show me in yours how that happens? Thanks again for your help!
Like this:
Function GetHolidays(ByRef datHolidays() As Date) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
  Dim rst As Recordset
  Dim db As Database
  Dim intCtr As Integer
  Set db = CurrentDb
  Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Holidays", dbOpenTable)
  With rst

    ReDim datHolidays(.RecordCount - 1)
    While Not .EOF
      datHolidays(intCtr) = .Fields("HolidayDate")
      intCtr = intCtr + 1
  End With
  GetHolidays = True
  On Error Resume Next
  Set rst = Nothing
  Set db = Nothing
  Exit Function
  MsgBox Err & "-" & Err.Description
  Resume ExitHere
End Function

Call it like this:

  Dim Holidate() As Date
  Dim blnSuccess As Boolean

  blnSuccess = GetHolidays(Holidate())

  '...rest of code...
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