Hello all trying to query all of the time stamps that ocurred today only.
was trying to use:
having system_info.date_time)>=Date()+1 And (system_info.date_time)<Date()+2)
as well
(system_info.date_time = DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()) and GETDATE())
but no luck
was is the correct syntax to query from a select statment all the time stamps that happend today only....
Thanks SO MUCH...
was trying to use:
having system_info.date_time)>=Date()+1 And (system_info.date_time)<Date()+2)
as well
(system_info.date_time = DATEADD(dd,1,GETDATE()) and GETDATE())
but no luck
was is the correct syntax to query from a select statment all the time stamps that happend today only....
Thanks SO MUCH...