I don't know about you, but I get slowed down with timer calls where you have to specify the number of ticks or milliseconds. Here is a bit of code I wrote where you enter the Time Unit (Minutes, Seconds) and the number of those units that you want to wait.
Rob Foye
Database Management
Regions Bank
Public Function fMillis(lngVal As Long, stUnit As String) As Long
' This function allows you to quickly understand the time span
' involved, rather than having to enter the number of
' milliseconds or calculate how many seconds or minutes are
' represented by the millisecond value.
' You can type the complete time unit, or an abbreviation:
' Minutes, Minute, Min, M, Seconds, Second, Sec, S
' Examples: fMillis(10, "Seconds"), fMillis(5,"Minutes")
' If the clocking speed of your processor is different,
' you can change the constant cMilli to the number of ticks
' per second for your machine.
Dim secs As Long
Const cMilli As Long = 1000
stUnit = Left$(stUnit, 1)
Select Case stUnit
Case "M"
secs = lngVal * 60
Case "S"
secs = lngVal
Case Else
secs = 0
End Select
fMillis = secs * cMilli
End Function
Rob Foye
Database Management
Regions Bank