I am trying to write a function or sub that I can call with parms.
function f_LookUp(ps_sql As String) As String
.... more code...
LookUp_rst.Open ps_sql, LookUp_cxn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
.... more code...
f_LookUp = LookUp_rst!first_name
*** Here is the problem I am not always pulling the first_name (how can I make this part dynamic?)
function f_LookUp(ps_sql As String) As String
.... more code...
LookUp_rst.Open ps_sql, LookUp_cxn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
.... more code...
f_LookUp = LookUp_rst!first_name
*** Here is the problem I am not always pulling the first_name (how can I make this part dynamic?)