I have updated my pc to a Windows Server 2008 and sql 2000 (before Win Server 2000 and sql 7). I use the fulltext search with a catalog HendrikxCatalog. With this latest configuration the fulltext search gives me no result anymore. I have made the catalog in the sql manager used the table artikel and used the population. There wasn't any problem. The catalog is idle.
I allso just the instructions in the queryanalyser
use Hendrikx
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','drop'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','drop'
execute sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','create'
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','create','HendrikxCatalog','PK_artikel_id'
execute sp_fulltext_column 'artikel','omschrijving','add'
execute sp_fulltext_column 'artikel','uitleg','add'
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','activate'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','start_full'
Allso no errors.
PLease advise.
I have updated my pc to a Windows Server 2008 and sql 2000 (before Win Server 2000 and sql 7). I use the fulltext search with a catalog HendrikxCatalog. With this latest configuration the fulltext search gives me no result anymore. I have made the catalog in the sql manager used the table artikel and used the population. There wasn't any problem. The catalog is idle.
I allso just the instructions in the queryanalyser
use Hendrikx
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','drop'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','drop'
execute sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','create'
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','create','HendrikxCatalog','PK_artikel_id'
execute sp_fulltext_column 'artikel','omschrijving','add'
execute sp_fulltext_column 'artikel','uitleg','add'
execute sp_fulltext_table 'artikel','activate'
execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'HendrikxCatalog','start_full'
Allso no errors.
PLease advise.