I have an office with a t-1 and its own IP. At the house we have Cable internet with dynamic IP. Our situation is that the home although it is the house the nature of our business and the fact that it is a family business we operate out of both locations. currently we have at each location a linksys wrt54g at each location both running dd-wrt third party firmware. I want to make one network between the two. with servers located at the office and I want to be able to configure the home computers on a 192.168.?.? network like they were there in the office. Do I bridge, VPN or what? one thing I would like is that home machines not go across the internet to the office network to get out to the internet and also for each router to provide DHCP for their side of the network. So that when internet browsing or gaming or if my office or home network goes down machines can go out directly to the internet from the home or office router and are not dependent on each other for direct internet access.
{Home}--(router)< >(Router)----{Office}
\ /
Internet Internet
What exactly do I want to do here?
{Home}--(router)< >(Router)----{Office}
\ /
Internet Internet
What exactly do I want to do here?