I've built (thanks to Tek-Tips community) a database, then split it and right now around 10 persons use it. However there are some bugs that i would like to fix.
1. Full screen - i would like all of my forms to open in full screen (i've deactivated the min max buttons and the close one to).
2. The form has a logon form and then another form where the user inserts data. Whenever the user opens the second form, the first record show up. I would like this form to be only for insterting data, not editing, so when the user opens the form i want it to be blank. Everytime an user press the button "save" the form moves to a new empty record. I would like to show an empty one when one opens the form also.
3.Using the scroll of the mouse in the second form will change selection of the records. I would like to eliminate that.
Can anyone help me on these issues?
I've built (thanks to Tek-Tips community) a database, then split it and right now around 10 persons use it. However there are some bugs that i would like to fix.
1. Full screen - i would like all of my forms to open in full screen (i've deactivated the min max buttons and the close one to).
2. The form has a logon form and then another form where the user inserts data. Whenever the user opens the second form, the first record show up. I would like this form to be only for insterting data, not editing, so when the user opens the form i want it to be blank. Everytime an user press the button "save" the form moves to a new empty record. I would like to show an empty one when one opens the form also.
3.Using the scroll of the mouse in the second form will change selection of the records. I would like to eliminate that.
Can anyone help me on these issues?