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Fujitsu F9600 Voicemail not picking up

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Technical User
Jul 27, 2011
I'm having problems with a phone not going to voicemail. The phone is constantly ringing, never going to voicemail. The forwards are set to go to voicemail on DN, DA, BL. Phone is not forwarded to any other phones. Am I missing something here?
Any input would be appreciated.
Verify that you have a voicemail box programmed for the phone. That is usually the cause of this problem. And it occasionally happens to all of us. :)

Thank you bflowers & mshispaz for the replies. The voicemail box was programmed for the phone and the destination number was correct. But, I'm still having the same problem. I'm not sure what's going on. :-(
I will assume that forwarding to voice mail works properly for other extensions on your switch. I will also assume that if you manually dial the extension your are trying to forward to, that it rings through to the voice mail system.

If both of the above are true then look at COS (class of service) and compare it to another station that is working. There are multiple COS parameters that control call forwarding, especially for call forward on don't answer. Make sure your station has an appropriate COS parameter. In addition, the call forwarding timing is set by "service parameters" and there are several options.

Do you have a "commands" manual? If not, do a "DIS COSF,,,,dn" where dn is the extension you are having trouble with. Also do the same command on a station that works. Post the results here.
Thank you "3408phonegod". Yes all of the forwards to voicemail are working correctly and if I dial the voicemail pilot # and put in the extension I'm trying to forward to, the voicemail picks up. If you dial the extension directly, it just rings and rings.

I did as you suggested and checked the COS and compared it to a working station and the everything matches. Our COS are set to 1.

All of the other extensions at this site the voicemail is working correctly. I'm not sure what's going. One of our other technician's suggested I delete the entire station and rebuild it.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

TechGirl07 :)
The only other thing I can think of is to check the voicemail box programming. Make sure that it is programmed in the proper tenant and as the correct kind of mailbox. Also make sure that there are no fields that could inhibit the box from being accessed by the phone extension. Verify that the voicemail extension matches the phone extension and that the voicemail extension is the primary extension of the phone.

After that, I agree with your other tech. Rebuild both the phone extension and voicemail box.

Thanks "BFLOWERS",
I did check the voicemail box programming. Everything is setup correctly. So I started deleting the phone, so I can rebuild. After I deleted all buttons, forwards on main number and virtual line, all call fowards, etc.

When I tried to delete MLDT... this this the error I'm now having... "ERR-066 Service Still Assigned. The DT is station is assigned to Call Fowarding to remote PBX or Call Fowarding busy/don't answer." Clearly the customer has placed a code on the phone itself and I can't delete it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-(
DEL FWD,,xxxx,ALL,ALL will get rid of the existing forwarding.

DEL MLPFB,,xxxx,ALL will get rid of any button assignments.

Then try:

DEL MLDT,,xxxx

If it still won't go away, use:

DIS STSV,,xxxx and
DIS STSVD,,xxxx to show any services still assigned.

You need to remove any services still assigned and then you can delete the station.

Good Luck!
Problem finally resolved :)
User had placed a code in the fowarding and the phone would not go to voicemail.

I did all of the following: DEL FWD, DEL CFAC, DEL MLPBF

Error Code I received when I tried to do DEL MLDT, ERR-066: Service Still Assigned. I did do as suggested by 3408phonegod... DIS STSV & DSTSVD. That's when I saw the CFC assigned. I still didn't know how to remove that.

We changed the phone number - CHA DN and the equipment # - CHA MLDT. Then built a new phone with the old equipment# & phone number. This cleared all old settings.

THANK YOU..... TO ALL OF YOU for your assistance!!
TechGirl07 [ponytails]
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