I'm trying to ftp my web site. It works from home on a dial up connection just by typing the ftp site address into Internet Explorer. I get the login prompt and all is good. At work we have a Red Hat 6.2 proxy server which isn't running a firewall. When I try to connect in the same way from the W '98 machine I use I get:
"An error occurred opening the folder on the ftp server make sure you have premission to access that folder."
Other people trying to ftp similarly can't get through.
But when I use WS-Ftp Pro I get through without a hitch.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to ftp my web site. It works from home on a dial up connection just by typing the ftp site address into Internet Explorer. I get the login prompt and all is good. At work we have a Red Hat 6.2 proxy server which isn't running a firewall. When I try to connect in the same way from the W '98 machine I use I get:
"An error occurred opening the folder on the ftp server make sure you have premission to access that folder."
Other people trying to ftp similarly can't get through.
But when I use WS-Ftp Pro I get through without a hitch.
Any help would be appreciated.