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FTP server on MBG

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Oct 25, 2009
Guys, have you ever used the MBG to upgrade the MCD software?

I have loaded the software on the MBG following help on-line, but when I specify IP address of external FTP server (Using software installer) it says Unable to Retrieve Specified File

Any suggestions??

If I FTP from my laptop to MBG I am able to see the MCD software there

Never done it myself, all I can suggest is make sure the MCD software is in the root FTP folder for the account you're using to access the server. If it's hiding in a subfolder SI won't be able to find it.
I also have never done this.

By coincedence, I am rebuilding a MAS and I noticed a user named MCD FTP in the system users table.

This leads me to believe that you need a user to access FTP and not simply the guest login that we normally use on our laptops.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
the problem is I don't find much documentation on MOL to do this. There's little information in the Help on Line of the MBG. Have a look, maybe you understand something that I don't.

MCD Support

MBG contains an FTP server which you can use to store MCD backup files and software loads.

You can use the software files to perform MCD system upgrades, and the backup files to perform MCD system restores.

FTP Server Access Parameters

To connect to the FTP server on MBG, enter the following settings in the MCD or FTP client:



Required Value

IP Address

The IP address of the FTP server.

Enter the LAN-side address of MBG.


The port number of the FTP server.

Enter 21.


The login user name for the user account.

Enter mcd.


The login password for the user account.

Enter the password configured on the MBG server.


The path to the directory on the FTP server where the database files are stored.

Enter: product_name/major_release/minor_release/build

For example, an MCD running would require the following FTP folder structure:


The product folder is always named "MCD-3300".

Configuring the FTP Server Password

Before you can start the FTP server on MBG you must set the FTP password.

To set the FTP password:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under FTP Server Configuration, click Change for FTP password.

Enter the New password and Confirm, and then click Save.

Starting and Stopping the FTP Server

To start/stop the FTP server:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under FTP Server Configuration, do one of the following:

To start the FTP server, click Start. The server status changes to Enabled.

To stop the FTP server, click Stop. The server status changes to Disabled.

Manage the Backup Files

To view the list of backup files on the FTP server:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under MCD Backup and Restores, view the list of backup files.

To add a backup file to the FTP server, access the MCD System Administration Tool and complete one of the following procedures:

Backing up a Database to manually back up the system database.

Scheduling Backups to automate the process of backing up the system database.

To delete a backup file from the FTP server:

Install an FTP client, program it with the FTP server access parameters, and then use it to locate and delete the file.

Manage the Software Loads

Before you Begin

Before you can upload a MCD software load to the FTP server on MBG, you must ensure that it has the correct directory structure and has been zipped with the appropriate file name.

To format MCD software for uploading:
Open a web browser and access the Software Downloads page on Mitel Online (MOL).

Download the MCD Installation executable file to your PC, and then double-click it to extract the contents.

Go to the location of the extracted files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\3300ICP) and zip the software load folder. Make sure the zipped file retains the version number (e.g.
The software is now ready for uploading.

To upload a software load:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under MCD Remote Upgrades, click Upload a new MCD load.

In File to Upload, click Choose File, browse to the location of the zipped software file (e.g. and then click Open.

In From Versions, enter the software load number(s) you wish to upgrade from, using commas to separate multiple entries (e.g.,

Click Upload.

To modify a software load:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under MCD Remote Upgrades, select a file and click Modify.

In From Versions, enter the software load number(s) you wish to upgrade from, using commas to separate multiple entries (e.g.,

Click Update.

To delete a software load:
In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.

Select the MCD support tab.

Under MCD Remote Upgrades, select a file and click Delete.

Click OK to confirm the deletion.

I would ask if there is any step you have performed that did not exactly match the documentation.

Those steps seem pretty clear to me and easy to verify.

BTW - Helpful tip for reading clarity

If you are cutting and pasting a document like that put [ignore]

This will make it a little more readable.

Also preview before you post.

When you save modifications to this form, the 3300 ICP system does not validate the characters that you enter in the "Username", "Password", and "Path" fields. The FTP server operating system determines the supported characters for each field. Refer to the FTP server operating system documentation to determine the supported characters. For example, a Microsoft IIS server running on a Windows server supports alphabetical characters in the Username field with the following exceptions:

Usernames may not consist entirely of periods and/or spaces, or contain the following characters: \ / " [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? * @.

Write and Delete permissions are required to the backup target directory on the FTP server.

Field Descriptions
 Default Value
IP Address
 Enter the IP address of the FTP server.
 Enter a port number between 0 and 65535
 Enter the login user name for the user account. This user account must be programmed on the FTP server.
 Enter the login password for the user account. When you enter the password, asterisks are displayed instead of the actual characters.
 Specify the path to the directory on the FTP server where you want the database files to be stored—for example, C:\inetpub\ftproot\Site1. ("Site1" must be an existing folder.)

NOTE: If you do not enter a path to a directory, the database files are saved in the root directory of the FTP server (e.g., C:\inetpub\ftproot\)

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.

where it says: "To connect to the FTP server on MBG, enter the following settings in the MCD or FTP client":

What I don't understand from this is if I should set those values in the External FTP Server form on the MCD...

Note that I am using the software installer that also asks you details about your external FTP Server (which will be my MBG).

It looks like the software installer doesn't have a way to determine the path whaere the files are stored on the MBG.


Yes, I understand the FTP settings to be required on the MCD in the External FTP form but these would ONLY be used if you want to make backups of the MCD to the MBG

For your purposes (upgrade) the following steps would apply: (or so I believe)
Before you can start the FTP server on MBG you must set the FTP password.

To set the FTP password:
1. In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.
2. Select the MCD support tab.
3. Under FTP Server Configuration, click Change for FTP password.
4. Enter the New password and Confirm, and then click Save.

Starting and Stopping the FTP Server

To start/stop the FTP server:
1. In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.
2. Select the MCD support tab.
3. Under FTP Server Configuration, do one of the following:
• To start the FTP server, click Start. The server status changes to Enabled.
• To stop the FTP server, click Stop. The server status changes to Disabled.

Manage the Software Loads

Before you Begin

Before you can upload a MCD software load to the FTP server on MBG, you must ensure that it has the correct directory structure and has been zipped with the appropriate file name.

To format MCD software for uploading:
1. Open a web browser and access the Software Downloads page on Mitel Online (MOL).
2. Download the MCD Installation executable file to your PC, and then double-click it to extract the contents.
**** Make note of the folder that the files are being extracted to ****
3. Go to the location of the extracted files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\3300ICP) and zip the software load folder.
Make sure the zipped file retains the version number (e.g.

The software is now ready for uploading.

To upload a software load:
1. In the server manager, under Applications, click Remote Proxy Services.
2. Select the MCD support tab.
3. Under MCD Remote Upgrades, click Upload a new MCD load.
4. In File to Upload, click Choose File, browse to the location of the zipped software file (e.g. and then click Open.
5. In From Versions, enter the software load number(s) you wish to upgrade from, using commas to separate multiple entries (e.g.,
6. Click Upload.

To perform an upgrade using the SW Installer tool
1. Start SWI tool
2. Enter MCD credentials then click next
3. Select Upgrade method and enter FTP credentials (as set above)
4. Proceed as usual

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.

That is exactly what i have done already, and i get the error "unable to retrieve specified file".

Note that you can upload more than one software versions on the MBG, and to me me it looks like the software installer doesn't have a way to find the correct path (within the ftp server) where the software is.

If I access the MBG using filezilla I will see all my MCD backups but also so many folders where the mcd software is stored at.

Try it youself if you have the chance.

I'm trying all this with the pbx at the office, i would like to test it and make aure it works, then i will do it on cuatomers systems remotetly.


I think the key part that is missing here is that I believe it is done via the scheduler on the MCD.
You create your folder structure and upload your zip file. You can then schedule the MCD to look updates on the FTP server and automatically download it if there is a newer version if there is then another schedule needs to be created to perform the upgrade.

Again I have never tried this but was looking at the update notes of MCD 5 and it mentions upgrading via FTP and the scheduler.

I don't see SI Tool mentioned anywhere in the help, I thought it would be looking for the extracted contents not a zipped version of the software.
Below is an extract from the MCD Update Document.

MCD Software Downloads
You can schedule an event to check a directory on an FTP server for software. If a new upgrade
or patch is available, the file is downloaded and made available for installation on the MCD as
part of another scheduled event. If nothing new is available, no files are downloaded.
Mitel Technical Training
100 MCD_3300 Advanced_tech update_R5.0 iss 1.doc
In addition to software, you can also download licenses from the FTP server. You would do this
if the Application Management Center (AMC) is inaccessible and MCD needs to obtain its
licenses from an "offline" source.
The FTP server:
• must be installed on a Windows-compliant platform with an FTP server such as
Microsoft ISS.
• must be configured with proper access permission (username and password).
• can be located on any network that is securely accessible to the MCD.
Ensure that port 21 is open on the firewall. If you wish to use a non-default port for FTP traffic,
you must program it on the firewall, MCD, and FTP server.
When obtaining software from Mitel, select the "flat file format" version. Do not select the
InstallShield version because it cannot be distributed via FTP.
If the AMC is inaccessible, you must generate the MCD's license file using the "offline" method
and then place the file on the FTP server.
The scheduled task will first determine if there is a new load available either on the persistent
storage media or the inactive partition (pending implementation of ftp req’s) Assuming there is a
new load the upgrade will occur as scheduled.
FTP Folder Structure
Obtain software upgrades and patches from Mitel OnLine in flat file format and place it on your
FTP server using this folder structure:
For example, for software load, you would create the following five folders and place
the software file in the "99" folder:
Optionally, you can create additional directories at the root level. This facilitates management
and distribution of software for individual business segments, customers, or physical sites. For
example, if you are a dealer with a customer named GENERIC and software load,
you could create the following folder structure:
MCD for 3300 ICP Advanced I&M Update
• Only one file can be stored in each branch of the directory. For example, within the
GENERIC/MCD-3300/11/0/0/99 branch, only one file can be stored in the "99" folder.
• The system searches the FTP server for software upgrades and patches. If a new load
is found, download proceeds. Download does not proceed if a new load cannot be
found, if both an upgrade and a patch are stored in a single folder, or if all folders are
• If you wish to download license files from the FTP server, store them at the root level in
the "AMC" folder of your FTP server.
MCD Software Upgrades (Unattended Upgrade)
You can schedule events to automate the process of upgrading and activating the system
software. Both full software loads and software patches can be installed in this manner.
You can activate the new load as soon as the upgrade is completed or at a later time. The
second option is of value for enterprises that want to perform the install of the new load during
business hours and activate it during a period of low system use.
A software upgrade cannot proceed if:
• the system has any alarms greater than minor severity
• there is insufficient RAM
• another event is running (all active events are suspended while the upgrade proceeds)
• a Programmed Reboot or Programmed Failback is pending
Following completion of the software upgrade event:
• A maintenance log is generated that describes changes to the system status caused by
the upgrade. For example, the status of alarms and the number of inactive devices is
captured in this log.
• A maintenance log is generated that describes whether the event was successful or
The software upgrade event can fail for the following reasons:
• An unexpected reset occurs during the upgrade process.
Mitel Technical Training
102 MCD_3300 Advanced_tech update_R5.0 iss 1.doc
• The new software cannot be switched from the inactive to the active partition.
• The software can be switched to the active partition, but is deemed to be unreliable due
to major or critical alarms or too many devices or trunks that may be left out of service.
If the software upgrade fails, the system initializes from the original load (the software version
which was running before the upgrade started) and a maintenance log is generated.
Administrators can receive email notification of the system events by enabling the Alarm
Notification feature.
Scheduled Software Upgrade is not supported on ISS and vMCD nodes because they don't
have inactive partitions.
Note: If you do not select an activation option, the software will be installed but not activated. To
activate it, add a Scheduled Activation event or issue the SWAP maintenance command.
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