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FTP of multiple files using 'mput' command

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Mar 27, 2008
I have a script that is supposed to ftp multiple files. I'm using the "mput" to do that. When I run the script it connects to the site but does not ftp the file. If I run the procedure manually (using DOS command screen) it works perfectly, I issue the "prompt off" and then the "mput" and all files are being ftp'ed. Could it be that I need to use some kind of "wait" between ecah ftp?. Here is the code:

'VBScript - FTP Outbound Files
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objMyFile, objShell, strFTPScriptFileName, strFilePut
Dim strLocalFolderName, strFTPServerName, strLoginID
Dim strPassword, strFTPServerFolder

'Set FTP options
strLocalFolderName = "e:\ftpdata\toclient\"
strFTPServerName = "ftp.client.com"
strLoginID = "myuserid"
strPassword = "mypassword"

'Set File name
strFilePut = "*.asc"
'strFilePut = "MyData_d03282008d151832.asc"

'Generate FTP command
strFTPScriptFileName = strLocalFolderName & "\FTPScript.txt"

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (objFSO.FileExists(strFTPScriptFileName)) Then
objFSO.DeleteFile (strFTPScriptFileName)
End If

Set objMyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFTPScriptFileName, True)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("open " & strFTPServerName)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strLoginID)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strPassword)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("bin")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("lcd " & strLocalFolderName)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("prompt off")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("mput " & strFilePut)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("disconnect")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("bye")

Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objMyFile = Nothing

'Execute the FTP script.
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
objShell.Run ("ftp -s:" & chr(34) & strFTPScriptFileName & chr(34))

Set objShell = Nothing
Replace this:
objMyFile.WriteLine (strLoginID)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strPassword)
with this:
objMyFile.WriteLine "user " & strLoginID & " " & strPassword

and this:
objShell.Run ("ftp -s:" & chr(34) & strFTPScriptFileName & chr(34))
with this:
objShell.Run "ftp -s:" & Chr(34) & strFTPScriptFileName & Chr(34), , True

Hope This Helps, PH.
Got the code finally working. The changes I did were:

1. from
"objMyFile.WriteLine "user " & strLoginID & " " & strPassword"
objMyFile.WriteLine (strLoginID)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strPassword)
it had to be in 2 separate lines, did not accept one line

2. also changed
strLocalFolderName = "e:\client\toreliance\"
that needed to be
"strLocalFolderName = "e:\client\toreliance"

'VBScript FTP Outbound Files to Reliance
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objMyFile, objShell, strFTPScriptFileName, strFilePut
Dim strLocalFolderName, strScriptFolder, strFTPServerName, strLoginID
Dim strPassword, strFTPServerFolder

'Set FTP options
strLocalFolderName = "e:\client\toreliance"
strFTPServerName = "ftp.client.com"
strLoginID = "muUserId"
strPassword = "myPassWord"

'Set File name
strFilePut = "*.asc"

'Generate FTP command
strFTPScriptFileName = strLocalFolderName & "FTP_Outbound_Files_to_Reliance.txt"

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If (objFSO.FileExists(strFTPScriptFileName)) Then
objFSO.DeleteFile (strFTPScriptFileName)
End If

Set objMyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFTPScriptFileName, True)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("open " & strFTPServerName)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strLoginID)
objMyFile.WriteLine (strPassword)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("bin")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("lcd " & strLocalFolderName)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("prompt off")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("mput " & strFilePut)
objMyFile.WriteLine ("disconnect")
objMyFile.WriteLine ("bye")

'Execute the FTP script.
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
objShell.Run "ftp -s:" & Chr(34) & strFTPScriptFileName & Chr(34), , True

Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objMyFile = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing

Thank you, thank you for helping me along....
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