I have a RedHat box (server install, text only), Win2000 box, and a ME laptop. Last night I was able to see >ftp: connect: 10007 at the command line from the laptop. I thought I had it licked. Well, now it's saying >ftp: connect: connection refused, which is what it was saying before I changed the wu-ftpd.conf fron disable = yes to disable = no. Right after I modified that, I could see >ftp: connect: 10007 at the prompt (on the laptop).
There is no doubt that I have done something wrong, I am new to this RedHat thing. So far so good. It's challenging, indeed, but that is what keeps things intresting. ;-)
Any suggestions of what I can look at? My beef is that I would like to use the server to learn other programming languages like php, perl, etc. And I want to do the designing on the windows machines, and upload them to the server, just as if I were paying a professional hosting company.
Thanks in advance.... Hope I was of some help...
Thanks for the help...
There is no doubt that I have done something wrong, I am new to this RedHat thing. So far so good. It's challenging, indeed, but that is what keeps things intresting. ;-)
Any suggestions of what I can look at? My beef is that I would like to use the server to learn other programming languages like php, perl, etc. And I want to do the designing on the windows machines, and upload them to the server, just as if I were paying a professional hosting company.
Thanks in advance.... Hope I was of some help...
Thanks for the help...