Using Inet control and vb6.
Sending files up the the server is fine, quick and easy. Getting a directory listing from the server is fine. But copying files down from the server is causing problems.
What I am doing is :-
KillFile "c:\_tmpfile "
inetFTP.Execute inetFTP.URL, "Get " & cFile & " c:\_tmpfile "
Where :-
Sub WaitforInet()
Dim vDate As Variant
vDate = DateAdd("s", 100, Now)
vStart = Now
Do While inetFTP.StillExecuting
If Now > vDate Then
AddMessage "Timed out"
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
And it always times out. The file is very little, and there is no download activity.
This seems to work ok on the upload, why not on the down?
By the way, bit miffed no-one bothered with my last question. Had to fix it myself!
Peter Meachem
Sending files up the the server is fine, quick and easy. Getting a directory listing from the server is fine. But copying files down from the server is causing problems.
What I am doing is :-
KillFile "c:\_tmpfile "
inetFTP.Execute inetFTP.URL, "Get " & cFile & " c:\_tmpfile "
Where :-
Sub WaitforInet()
Dim vDate As Variant
vDate = DateAdd("s", 100, Now)
vStart = Now
Do While inetFTP.StillExecuting
If Now > vDate Then
AddMessage "Timed out"
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
And it always times out. The file is very little, and there is no download activity.
This seems to work ok on the upload, why not on the down?
By the way, bit miffed no-one bothered with my last question. Had to fix it myself!
Peter Meachem