when i logon to FTP server after a 10-15 sec i get the following error
Connection closed by remote host
IIs 5 Win 2000 server
when i go to IIS setings it tels me that connection to FTP server was lost do u want ro reconnect
Yes My FTP is on my DNZ
When i connect using cmd i can connect but after 10-15 sec i get the connection closed by host
When i look at logs it gives me the 426 code
My IIS sevices just stop (connection lost)in IIS
This is a Windows problem, you should post it in a windows forum.
"We must fall back upon the old axiom that when all other contingencies fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes
A simple quick check...what is the inactivity time out set to on your FTP account? This would certainly cause a problem.
i would also check the max bandwidth/max data size your account is set up for.
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