Hello all,
I am using following code to connect to my ftp site and download the file
But it gives me error : Unable to Connect
Please guide
I am able to open the url in internet explorer but not through program
So here i am missing something
hftpSession always returns 0
Thanks in advance
** FTP_DownLoad
** Download files from ftp server
PARAMETERS lcHost, lcUser, lcPwd, lcRemoteFile, lcNewFile, lnXFerType
*: Usage: DO ftpget WITH ;
*: 'ftp.host', 'name', 'password', 'source.file', 'target.file'[, 1| 2]
*: Where: lcHost = Host computer IP address or name
*: lcUser = user name - anonymous may be used
*: lcPwd = password
*: lcRemoteFile = source file name
*: lcNewFile = target file name
*: lnXFerType = 1 (default) for ascii, 2 for binary
*...set up API calls
DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpen IN wininet;
STRING sAgent, INTEGER lAccessType, STRING sProxyName,;
STRING sProxyBypass, STRING lFlags
DECLARE INTEGER InternetCloseHandle IN wininet INTEGER hInet
DECLARE INTEGER InternetConnect IN wininet.DLL;
INTEGER hInternetSession,;
STRING lcHost,;
INTEGER nServerPort,;
STRING lcUser,;
STRING lcPassword,;
INTEGER lService,;
INTEGER lFlags,;
INTEGER lContext
DECLARE INTEGER FtpGetFile IN wininet;
INTEGER hftpSession, ;
STRING lcRemoteFile,;
STRING lcNewFile, ;
INTEGER fFailIfExists,;
INTEGER dwFlagsAndAttributes,;
INTEGER dwFlags, ;
INTEGER dwContext
lcHost = ALLTRIM(lcHost)
lcUser = ALLTRIM(lcUser)
lcPwd = ALLTRIM(lcPwd)
lcRemoteFile = ALLTRIM(lcRemoteFile)
lcNewFile = ALLTRIM(lcNewFile)
sAgent = "vfp"
sProxyName = CHR(0) &&... no proxy
sProxyBypass = CHR(0) &&... nothing to bypass
lFlags = 0 &&... no flags used
*... initialize access to Inet functions
hOpen = InternetOpen (sAgent, 1,;
sProxyName, sProxyBypass, lFlags)
IF hOpen = 0
WAIT WINDOW "Unable to get access to WinInet.Dll" TIMEOUT 2
#define IPASSIVE 0x8000000
*... The first '0' says use the default port, usually 21.
hftpSession = InternetConnect (hOpen, lcHost,0, "satvat", "satvat#1234", 1, IPASSIVE, 0) &&... 1 = ftp protocol
IF hftpSession = 0
*... close access to Inet functions and exit
= InternetCloseHandle (hOpen)
WAIT WINDOW "Unable to connect to " + lcHost + '.' TIMEOUT 2
WAIT WINDOW "Connected to " + lcHost + " as: [" + lcUser + "]" TIMEOUT 1
I am using following code to connect to my ftp site and download the file
But it gives me error : Unable to Connect
Please guide
I am able to open the url in internet explorer but not through program
So here i am missing something
hftpSession always returns 0
Thanks in advance
** FTP_DownLoad
** Download files from ftp server
PARAMETERS lcHost, lcUser, lcPwd, lcRemoteFile, lcNewFile, lnXFerType
*: Usage: DO ftpget WITH ;
*: 'ftp.host', 'name', 'password', 'source.file', 'target.file'[, 1| 2]
*: Where: lcHost = Host computer IP address or name
*: lcUser = user name - anonymous may be used
*: lcPwd = password
*: lcRemoteFile = source file name
*: lcNewFile = target file name
*: lnXFerType = 1 (default) for ascii, 2 for binary
*...set up API calls
DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpen IN wininet;
STRING sAgent, INTEGER lAccessType, STRING sProxyName,;
STRING sProxyBypass, STRING lFlags
DECLARE INTEGER InternetCloseHandle IN wininet INTEGER hInet
DECLARE INTEGER InternetConnect IN wininet.DLL;
INTEGER hInternetSession,;
STRING lcHost,;
INTEGER nServerPort,;
STRING lcUser,;
STRING lcPassword,;
INTEGER lService,;
INTEGER lFlags,;
INTEGER lContext
DECLARE INTEGER FtpGetFile IN wininet;
INTEGER hftpSession, ;
STRING lcRemoteFile,;
STRING lcNewFile, ;
INTEGER fFailIfExists,;
INTEGER dwFlagsAndAttributes,;
INTEGER dwFlags, ;
INTEGER dwContext
lcHost = ALLTRIM(lcHost)
lcUser = ALLTRIM(lcUser)
lcPwd = ALLTRIM(lcPwd)
lcRemoteFile = ALLTRIM(lcRemoteFile)
lcNewFile = ALLTRIM(lcNewFile)
sAgent = "vfp"
sProxyName = CHR(0) &&... no proxy
sProxyBypass = CHR(0) &&... nothing to bypass
lFlags = 0 &&... no flags used
*... initialize access to Inet functions
hOpen = InternetOpen (sAgent, 1,;
sProxyName, sProxyBypass, lFlags)
IF hOpen = 0
WAIT WINDOW "Unable to get access to WinInet.Dll" TIMEOUT 2
#define IPASSIVE 0x8000000
*... The first '0' says use the default port, usually 21.
hftpSession = InternetConnect (hOpen, lcHost,0, "satvat", "satvat#1234", 1, IPASSIVE, 0) &&... 1 = ftp protocol
IF hftpSession = 0
*... close access to Inet functions and exit
= InternetCloseHandle (hOpen)
WAIT WINDOW "Unable to connect to " + lcHost + '.' TIMEOUT 2
WAIT WINDOW "Connected to " + lcHost + " as: [" + lcUser + "]" TIMEOUT 1