Hi. I'm writing an applet that uses the sockets class to ftp through the browser. At the moment I can connect to the server with a socket set to port 21. However when I create a socket to point to port 20 for the data transfer it throws an error. I'm using:
port20Socket=new Socket(hostaddress,20);
I also send a PORT command after this telling the server the local address & port of this socket. I dont know too much about ftp. Could someone point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance. ASCII silly question, get a silly ANSI
port20Socket=new Socket(hostaddress,20);
I also send a PORT command after this telling the server the local address & port of this socket. I dont know too much about ftp. Could someone point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance. ASCII silly question, get a silly ANSI