I have a program that outputs to a single file from a series of files (orders, items, invoice etc). Then I do CPYTOIMPF to set up a stream file as /filename.csv.
With FTP from a PC I can grab this file and download direct to Excel (albeit without column headings, but as the plan is to extract data, headings can be applied later). I want to run FTP from the AS/400 and download the file to one of our connected servers as I can then keep the file creation, IMPF and FTP commands all together in one routine. I assume this is possible? Have been trying FTP from the command line but cannot OPEN to any connected server when the IP code is given. Error is "Cannot connect to host X at address X. Try again later."
With FTP from a PC I can grab this file and download direct to Excel (albeit without column headings, but as the plan is to extract data, headings can be applied later). I want to run FTP from the AS/400 and download the file to one of our connected servers as I can then keep the file creation, IMPF and FTP commands all together in one routine. I assume this is possible? Have been trying FTP from the command line but cannot OPEN to any connected server when the IP code is given. Error is "Cannot connect to host X at address X. Try again later."