I need some Help. I'm from Germany and my boss gave me a weird exercise. The script below don't really word and I have to fix it. But how? I get a FT: Syntax Error.
sh awk-test.p
+ awk {if ($7 ~ /KAN/) { x = substr($7, 11, 27); print x;} else continue} pr.hoeft
+ ft -t -k sotest1:1100!04A9470F42C300.121007114747 04D3470F45DB00.121007120059 04E4470F464000.121007120240 04F7470F476800.121007120903 FT.KAU.%UNIQUE NHDRWSMb
ft: Syntaxfehler im Kommando.
Who can help or do you need further informations?
sh awk-test.p
+ awk {if ($7 ~ /KAN/) { x = substr($7, 11, 27); print x;} else continue} pr.hoeft
+ ft -t -k sotest1:1100!04A9470F42C300.121007114747 04D3470F45DB00.121007120059 04E4470F464000.121007120240 04F7470F476800.121007120903 FT.KAU.%UNIQUE NHDRWSMb
ft: Syntaxfehler im Kommando.
Who can help or do you need further informations?