I created a network map on my IIS server to a network share in my network. I gave the map the drive letter F:. I can view and access the share from the web server desktop, but when I run the following code, F: is nowhere to be found. I have also tested FileExists on a file in that share, and still no luck.
That code returns A: C: D: E: to my browser window. Where's F: ??
<%@ Language=VBScript%>
<%Option Explicit%>
dim objFile
dim objDrives
dim i
Set objFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDrives = objFile.Drives
FOR EACH i IN objDrives
Response.Write i & "<br>"
That code returns A: C: D: E: to my browser window. Where's F: ??