I'm really having trouble understanding the differences in how netscape and IE interpret the box model. I've read about 100 different explanations of how ie5.x and ie6(quirks mode) interpret the box model so that the width setting includeds padding and border, and netscape only includes the content in the width setting. but all of these explanations have also said that ie6 will interpret a page with a strict DOCTYPE to be standards compliant and will read the page just like nestcape. And I know about the box model hack that fixes this for ie5.x. yet even with a strict DOCTYPE, I still find inequalities in the box model interpretation between IE6 and Netscape. So I set up a little test page to make sure I wasn't going crazy (although I'm close):
Everything seems to render the same except for one very annoying thing. The left margin on the floating inner div is seemingly rendered in quirks mode by IE6, but not in Netscape. If you line up the two browsers with the same page, all the positioning lines up, except for the horizontal postion of the inner div. Could someone please explain this to me?
Everything seems to render the same except for one very annoying thing. The left margin on the floating inner div is seemingly rendered in quirks mode by IE6, but not in Netscape. If you line up the two browsers with the same page, all the positioning lines up, except for the horizontal postion of the inner div. Could someone please explain this to me?