At work we use Microsoft Server 2003. I would like to use Sharepoint to build our intranet.
I understand that if I ask for MSS to be enabled I can run Frontpage Sharepoint Template and build a Sharepoint site from here with no extra licencing cost. However I have been advised that it is better to use the templates provided with MSS.
I would appreciate some info and advice on the following:
- Are Sharepoint tempates provided with MSS?
- If I ask for MSS to be enabled how do I access these templates? How do I get started?
- Where there is no cost associated with developing a Sharepoint intranet using the Frontpage Sharepoint template is there a cost associated with using templates provided with MSS?
- Is the Frontpage (2003) Sharepoint template a good way to go?
- 50% of our staff are located around the country and connect to our network via a vpn, in order for them to view the intranet on thte network do I need to purchase Server 2003 External Connector License, i'm guessing that I shouldn't have to since the intranet is on the network?
Sorry for all the questions, my employer doesn't want to put anymore money into an intranet and i'm trying to use Sharepoint in the most cost effective way as possible - also I don't know a lot about servers and configuring so any advice is much appreciated.
Many thanks
At work we use Microsoft Server 2003. I would like to use Sharepoint to build our intranet.
I understand that if I ask for MSS to be enabled I can run Frontpage Sharepoint Template and build a Sharepoint site from here with no extra licencing cost. However I have been advised that it is better to use the templates provided with MSS.
I would appreciate some info and advice on the following:
- Are Sharepoint tempates provided with MSS?
- If I ask for MSS to be enabled how do I access these templates? How do I get started?
- Where there is no cost associated with developing a Sharepoint intranet using the Frontpage Sharepoint template is there a cost associated with using templates provided with MSS?
- Is the Frontpage (2003) Sharepoint template a good way to go?
- 50% of our staff are located around the country and connect to our network via a vpn, in order for them to view the intranet on thte network do I need to purchase Server 2003 External Connector License, i'm guessing that I shouldn't have to since the intranet is on the network?
Sorry for all the questions, my employer doesn't want to put anymore money into an intranet and i'm trying to use Sharepoint in the most cost effective way as possible - also I don't know a lot about servers and configuring so any advice is much appreciated.
Many thanks