I have a DB, SQL SERVER 2000, with 3 tables Logs, Progress and Floorwalkers all displaying data to Frontpage forms, no problem so far, with pages to view data, add data, edit data and delete data, using the DRW.
In the Floorwalkers table there are the following fields:
OwnerID, ForeName, SurName, Password, UserName, Email.
In the Progress table there are the following fields:
ProgressID, Progress.
In the Logs table there are the following fields:
LogID, Progress, Username, Task, DueDate, DateCompleted, DateCreated.
I need help with creating a drop down box on the asp page related to adding logs to the db, where the Progress field is a drop down box displaying the data from the Progress table/ Progress field data. This is then needed to store in the Progress field on the Log table
Any help with this would be great.
Cheers now
Andy Lord
I have a DB, SQL SERVER 2000, with 3 tables Logs, Progress and Floorwalkers all displaying data to Frontpage forms, no problem so far, with pages to view data, add data, edit data and delete data, using the DRW.
In the Floorwalkers table there are the following fields:
OwnerID, ForeName, SurName, Password, UserName, Email.
In the Progress table there are the following fields:
ProgressID, Progress.
In the Logs table there are the following fields:
LogID, Progress, Username, Task, DueDate, DateCompleted, DateCreated.
I need help with creating a drop down box on the asp page related to adding logs to the db, where the Progress field is a drop down box displaying the data from the Progress table/ Progress field data. This is then needed to store in the Progress field on the Log table
Any help with this would be great.
Cheers now
Andy Lord